Note: The following post includes a revised biographical sketch for Garry Naylor, VE6FGN.
Two nominations have been received for the position of RAC Director for the Alberta/NWT/NU Region. Following a review of the documentation submitted and taking into account the constitutional and election process requirements, the Committee determined that the nomination papers were complete and in order for Mr. Garry Naylor, VE6FGN and Dr. Ernest C. Clintberg, VE6ECK.
The Committee recommended a Ballot by Mail pursuant to Article 6 (Method of Election) in the RAC Constitution, for the Director for the Alberta/NWT/NU Region for the completion of the 2016-2017 term. Ballots have been distributed to the applicable postal codes from RAC Headquarters. The closing date for the return of ballots to RAC Headquarters at the address shown in the box at the bottom of the page is Friday, April 15 by 12 noon.
Garry Naylor, VE6FGN
My name is Garry Naylor, VE6FGN, and I would like to be the RAC Director for Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut Region. I’m 57 years old, happily married for 35 years, with one child and two grandchildren. I served in the Canadian Military as a Tank Commander, Tactical Helicopter Observer and an Air Traffic Controller. I was medically released in 2005 and am working in Wing Operations in Cold Lake, Alberta. We have a small hobby farm outside of Cold Lake. I’ve spent most of my life in the outdoors and loved every second of it.
I’ve used radio as a tool my entire career. In the Military, radio was vital for coordinating operations – poor comms meant failure. As a result, I’m a big fan of good communications. I was also exposed to the benefits of radio outside of the Military – as a guide in Labrador, we had simple HF radios linked to the Newfoundland phone system (the “Orange Box”). This was our only link to the world and was a huge morale booster: being able to call home and make sure everything was ok was wonderful. In the days before satellite phones and GPS it was also comforting to have that “Orange Box” in the Komatic behind the snowmobile: the ability to call for help if needed is an awesome thing when you have 100 miles of ice left to travel and you’re using the wind ridges of snow to navigate in 0/0 conditions.
I joined our local Amateur Radio club as a result of working with them while in the Military. They did a great job supporting 4 Wing in various responses, and I believe that volunteering is a critical part of community so it was an obvious decision. I joined for community service – what I didn’t expect was to have fun and make friends. I really enjoy supporting community events. We’ve supported a variety of fun runs, runs for charity, ATV rallies, airshows, et al. We’ve also responded in support of Emergency Services in Cold Lake and that is very satisfying.
I’ve met Amateurs from all over the Province and very much enjoy their company. We have a great group of dedicated volunteers who have a real “service before self” attitude. I applaud this. I’ve travelled over most of Canada and had a ball doing so. It’s a great country, with great people. I ended up in Alberta by choice – it’s home.
I was asked to put my name forward for consideration as your RAC Director. If the rest of you want me to represent you, I’ll be happy to do so. Be warned, however, that I can’t do this on my own. I’ll be counting on all of you to identify issues that need resolution as well as options on how best to solve the problems. I will have one self-imposed task and that is to bring this community together again. We’re a small community and in my opinion there is no room for strife. To that end, I hope to spend a lot of long weekends travelling the Province, meeting people, perhaps helping out in supporting events, and visiting over a campfire in the evening. In my opinion, very few issues survive honest dialogue.
I don’t look to other people for competition. Instead, I look to others for inspiration and we have a lot of great folk doing great work. That includes the other folks looking to be your RAC Director. Give them a chance, they’re good people. I would be happy to meet with anyone on the air most evenings to chat; perhaps after the Alberta Public Service Net (APSN). You can reach me at .
Ernest C. Clintberg, VE6ECK
My primary reasons for seeking the position of RAC Director are to advance the hobby of Amateur Radio, enhance the service of the hobby to our communities and promote the RAC organization across the region and Canada. I bring my experience as a school administrator of 22 years as well as organizational experience of 11 years as a senior executive staff officer with the Alberta Teachers’ Association. My education includes a BSc (Physics), MEd (Administration) and an EdD (Doctorate in Education).
The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), in my belief, is a very important and necessary advocate for the hobby internationally and nationally where it not only advances our personal Amateur Radio interests, but also the interests of the larger community where “hams” serve in supportive volunteer communication efforts. Since 2011, I have acted as Secretary for the North Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club with prior involvement as a Director. In addition, I am a member of the Northern Alberta Amateur Radio Club, the Quarter Century Amateur Radio Club and the American Radio Relay League.
Amateur Radio has been an interest of mine since age 12 when I gained the help of Bonar Wilt, VE6HU (SK), a friendly Elmer. Later in life, I was able to realize the fulfillment of that interest when I passed my Basic certificate and was assigned the call of VE6ECK in April 1992 followed by CW and Advanced certificates. I joined the Radio Amateurs of Canada in 1995. As Bonar Wilt told me and David Gervais, VE6KD, another Elmer, has demonstrated to me, “the ham radio fraternity is honourable and populated by upstanding, selfless and supportive individuals.” My experience of the fraternity does reflect their belief and actions.
Over the past 23 years in Amateur Radio, my personal interests have focused on the HF spectrum with some interest in contesting. This has caused me to put together a modest HF station which can be heard, depending on conditions, during many contests, particularly those sponsored by RAC.
For additional information please feel free to contact me at or visit: