For immediate release:
The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame (CARHOF) is pleased to announce that Ed Frazer, VE7EF, of West Vancouver, British Columbia has been named to the Hall of Fame.
Radio Amateurs of Canada recognizes deserving Amateurs by appointments to the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame. The Constitution for the Hall specifies that the appointment as Member of the Hall is made for “outstanding achievement and excellence of the highest degree, for serious and sustained service to Amateur Radio in Canada, or to Amateur Radio at large”.
The Trustees of the Hall have interpreted the Constitution to mean that the person has performed significant service over many years to enhance the well-being of Amateur Radio.
Ed Frazer, VE7EF, has been an Amateur Radio operator since 1953. In his early days, he was President of the University of British Columbia (UBC) Amateur Radio Society (Hamsoc) while earning his BASc in Electrical Engineering. He subsequently earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Simon Fraser University.
In his professional life, Ed began with the Radio Engineering Department of the British Columbia Telephone Company – then Hoyles, Niblock and Associates (consulting radio engineers) – and founded National Electrolab, which provided type-approval testing, calibration and electronic design services. Subsequently, he joined Tele-Radio Systems (TRS) as Vice-President of the telephony division, and introduced subscriber carrier networks to Telephone companies across Canada. Upon retirement from TRS, he provided radio and communications consulting and engineering services until finally retiring fully about 10 years ago.
He is a life-senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), and served as Chair of the Vancouver Chapter of IEEE, President of the Simon Fraser University (SFU) MBA Alumni Association and is currently Chair of the UBC Engineers Reunion Committee for the Class of 1958.
In addition to his professional career, Ed also made significant contributions to Amateur Radio as the President of the North Shore Amateur Radio Club (NSARC) in North Vancouver and as co-founder of the British Columbia Amateur Radio Coordination Council (BCARCC), where he held both Director and Officer positions and is currently serving as its Secretary.
Ed also served Amateur Radio on the national level as the RAC Director for the British Columbia and Yukon Region, Chair of the RAC Administration and Finance Committee, and member of the RAC Tower Committee which assisted Amateurs with the new antenna tower requirements in CPC-2-0-03. In addition, he served for eight years as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame.
Radio Amateurs of Canada and the Board of Trustees of CARHOF sincerely congratulate Ed Frazer, VE7EF, on his appointment to the Hall of Fame.
A detailed account of his achievements will be presented in an upcoming edition of The Canadian Amateur magazine.
For more information on the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame please visit: https://wp.rac.ca/carhof/
Prepared by Frank Davis, VO1HP
Chair, Board of Trustees
Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame