Doug Leach, VE3XKFor immediate release:

Radio Amateurs of Canada has received the sad news that former RAC Ontario North Regional Director Doug Leach, VE3XK, became a Silent Key on January 15, 2020.

Doug served as the RAC First Vice-President in 1997-98 and was the RAC Director for the Ontario North Region from 2001 to 2004. He also served as Acting President for three months.

In addition to serving on the RAC Board and Executive, Doug was the  author and editor of several RAC publications and reports including: the RAC Operating Manual; the RAC Emergency Coordinator’s Manual; the RAC Official Observer’s Guide; the RAC Administration Manual; and the RAC Manual for Directors.

Doug was a member of Radio Amateurs of Canada, the American Radio Relay League, the Quarter Century Wireless Association,  the Straight Key Century Club, the PODXS 070 Club, the Ottawa Amateur Radio Club and the West Carleton Amateur Radio Club.

Norm Rashleigh, VE3LC, Secretary of the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) Chapter 70, expressed his condolences on behalf of Chapter 70: 

“Doug was a most valued member of the QCWA Chapter 70 serving as Web Master since 2007 and Historian Archivist since 2010. He will also be remembered for his many technical presentations at Chapter meetings as well as several of the Ottawa area clubs which he was an active member.

Doug was a very active Radio Amateur until recent years, with experience on most Amateur allocations, 160 metres through to the microwave bands, having achieved multi-mode DXCC on most of the HF bands. His enthusiasm and contribution to Amateur Radio will be sorrowfully missed.”

On behalf of Radio Amateurs of Canada, I extend sincere condolences to Doug’s wife Beverley and his entire family.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, February 9, from 2 to 4 pm at Robbie’s Restaurant, 1531 St. Laurent Boulevard in Ottawa. For more information please see the Obituary notice below.

Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA
President, Radio Amateurs of Canada

Doug Leach, VE3XK SKDouglas (Doug) Edmond Leach, VE3XK

Suddenly at home January 15 at the age of 81. Beloved husband of Beverley. Loving father of Karen Kerr, Alison Lakevold and the late Warren Leach, his sister Catherine McColl, niece Pamela and many grandchildren.
He and Bev sailed on the Ottawa River and then a 44-foot trawler based at Clayton, New York cruising the Thousand Islands.
After retirement they cruised into the intracoastal waterway system, spending several winters around the Bahama Islands before returning to Canada.
A celebration of Doug’s life will be held on February 9, from 2 to 4 pm at Robbie’s Restaurant, 1531 St. Laurent Boulevard in Ottawa.
Donations may be made to the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.