Deadline for applications: October 31

Al Eros, VE4ZB – RAC Scholarship and Grants Coordinator –
The RAC Foundation is now accepting Scholastic Grant applications from eligible Amateurs for the 2024-2025 school year. The application deadline for all grants is October 31.
Through the the RAC Foundation Program, Radio Amateurs of Canada provides grants and scholarships to worthy community programs and to young Canadian Amateurs who are studying at the post-secondary level.
RAC undertook the RAC Foundation Program in order to increase the relevance of our national organization at a local level, as well as to increase our relevance to youth.
It is thanks to the continued generosity of Amateurs and Amateur Radio Clubs from all parts of Canada that we can support talented Canadian Amateurs who will contribute to the Amateur Radio Service for years to come.
RAC Scholarships and Grants Program
Radio Amateurs of Canada is able to provide grants and scholarships thanks to the RAC Foundation Program. RAC operates the RAC Foundation in cooperation with the Community Foundation of Ottawa (CFO) which administers and invests the donated funds and disburses the earnings from those invested funds to grant applicants, based upon direction from RAC.
It is thanks to the continued generosity of Amateurs and Amateur Radio Clubs from all parts of Canada that we can support talented Canadian Amateurs who will contribute to the Amateur Radio Service for years to come.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligible candidates must be:
- in full-time attendance at an educational institution such as a university or community college
- Canadian Radio Amateurs: must be a certified Amateur at time of the grant application
Scholastic grants will have a maximum value of $1,000. Decisions on grant eligibility and size will be at the sole discretion of the RAC Directors or their designees.
All grant applications should be submitted to the RAC Foundation for processing and recommendation by October 31.
Description of Grants
Through the RAC Foundation, Radio Amateurs of Canada provides grants and scholarships to worthy community programs and to young Canadian Amateurs who are studying at the post-secondary level.
RAC offers four categories for donor designation and grant applications.
Scholastic grants: Scholarships and bursaries for Radio Amateurs (must be a certified Amateur at time of the grant application) for full-time attendance at an educational institution such as a university or community college
Research grants: Research or development must be related to furtherance of Amateur Radio technology
Community grants: Grants for Amateur Radio equipment or courses relating to schools, community, seniors, youth or disabled homes or centres, for the benefit of these specific items or for the surrounding community
Emergency grants: Grants for Amateur Radio equipment or courses relating to emergency communications, Search and Rescue communications and related public service communications
Size of Grants and Application Deadlines
Scholastic grants will have a maximum value of $1,000. Decisions on grant eligibility and size will be at the sole discretion of the RAC Directors or their designees. RAC has set a minimum of $250 for a grant.
All grant applications should be submitted to the RAC Foundation for processing and recommendation. Further detailed information is also provided below.
If you wish to donate or require further information about the RAC Scholarships and Grants Program, please contact the RAC Scholarship Chair at .
The RAC Foundation Program / Funds and Donor Designation
Radio Amateurs of Canada operates the RAC Foundation in cooperation with the Ottawa Community Foundation which administers and invests the donated funds and disburses the earnings from those invested funds to grant applicants, based upon direction from RAC.
All grant applications should be submitted to the RAC Foundation for processing and recommendation.
Fund Disbursement
The Canada Revenue Agency provides for the following charitable purposes relevant to Radio Amateurs of Canada, Inc.
Advancement of Education: This includes “providing scholarships, bursaries, and prizes for scholastic achievement”, and “undertaking research in a recognized field of knowledge (the research must be carried out for educational purposes and the results must be made available to the public)”. The former would be reserved for Radio Amateurs. The latter would be reserved for research/development which would benefit all Canadian Radio Amateurs.
Purposes Beneficial to the Community: Organizations which normally qualify as charitable include those “providing public amenities to benefit the community”, “establishing safety rescue operations” and “providing facilities for people with special needs”. The first could cover such activities as grants for Amateur Radio equipment and/or courses in schools, youth organizations or homes for the elderly or disabled. The second may apply to investment in groups that support their local communities and the Canadian Red Cross with public service and disaster communications. The latter could apply to support for equipment, courses or the development of suitable devices or techniques to facilitate access for the handicapped or disabled to Amateur Radio.
Size of Grants and Application Deadlines
Scholastic grants will have a maximum value of $1,000. Decisions on grant eligibility and size will be at the sole discretion of the RAC Directors or their designees. RAC has set a minimum of $250 for a grant.
The deadline for applications is October 31.
Grant Applications:
Decisions on grant awards will be made on the merits of grant applications, within the limits of the RAC Foundation earnings on donations in that donation category. Unsuccessful applicants may re-submit applications for consideration in subsequent years.
Under Canadian tax regulations, Foundations may disburse funds only to institutions which are themselves charitable.
All disbursement cheques must be made payable to the charitable institution which the grant applicant designates on the grant application form. The cheque will be sent from the Ottawa Community Foundation to the institution for presentation to the grant applicant.
Only institutions listed by the Canada Revenue Agency as “Qualified Donees” are considered qualified for support by a Foundation under Canadian tax regulations. Canadian universities, community colleges, hospitals and most seniors’, youth and community centres qualify.
Before deciding on the merits of a grant application, RAC will check the institution shown on the grant application to confirm that it is listed by the Canada Revenue Agency as a “Qualified Donee”.
Application Forms:
Scholastic Grant Application form
Program Grant Application form
The RAC Foundation
c/o Radio Amateurs of Canada
720 Belfast Rd., Suite 217
Thank You!
Every year, through the RAC Scholarship and Grant Program, Radio Amateurs of Canada provides grants and scholarships to worthy Amateur Radio community programs and to Amateurs who are studying at the post-secondary level.
It is thanks to the continued generosity of Amateurs and Amateur Radio Clubs from all parts of Canada that we can support talented Canadian Amateurs who will contribute to our hobby for years to come.
In addition to the Scholarship and Grants Program, RAC also has a Youth Education Program (YEP).