We Are All About Amateur Radio | Tous ensemble pour la radioamateur

Logo for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023

World Radiocommunication Conference 2023

The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) is now underway. It will be held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates from November 20 to December 15 and RAC Special Advisor Paul Coverdale, VE3ICV, will participate as a member of the Canadian Delegation. Watch this space for regular updates.

La Conférence mondiale des radiocommunications (CMR-23) est en cours.

Elle aura lieu à Dubaï (Émirats arabes unis) du 20 novembre au 15 décembre, et le conseiller spécial de RAC, Paul Coverdale, VE3ICV, y participera en tant que membre de la délégation canadienne. Surveillez cet espace pour des mises à jour régulières.

ITU Media releases:

November 20 – “The World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) opened today in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, bringing governments together for negotiations on the allocation of radio-frequency spectrum.” – link here

Newsroom: https://www.itu.int/wrc-23/press-releases/

Useful Links:

Volunteers Needed: RAC continues to provide many programs and services to its members and strives to adapt to meet today’s requirements, but we need your help to do so. Please take a look at the volunteer opportunities  and consider joining the RAC Volunteer Team.

1) RAC Membership Committee Chairperson and Members 

The volunteer Membership Committee chairperson is responsible for leading the permanent Membership Committee of up to eight volunteers from around the country.

2) RAC HQ Refurbishment Committee Roles

The RAC HQ Refurbishment Committee chairperson is responsible for leading the ad-hoc committee of up to eight volunteers, mainly located from the National Capital Region, although volunteers from other Canadian regions are welcome to contribute remotely as well. The committee plays a crucial role within RAC. It focuses on carrying out a significant 30-year refurbishment of RAC’s headquarters’ facilities in collaboration with the building owner and construction trades. It also assists with revitalizing RAC headquarters’ Amateur Radio capability.

3) RAC Field Organization: National Advisory Committee and Sectional Council Positions

The following positions are full-time volunteer positions. Applicants must be members of Radio Amateurs of Canada. Please provide a cover letter and resume to Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT, Community Services Officer at  
  • National Advisory Committee
  • Deputy Community Services Officer
  • National AuxComm Coordinator
  • National Community and Youth Coordinator
  • National Radio Traffic and Bulletin Coordinator
  • National Training Coordinator
  • National CanWarn Coordinator
  • Section Manager for the Territories

Sectional Council 

The following positions are effective February 1. For information on any of these positions or the application process, please email .

  • Deputy Section Manager
  • Sectional ACS Coordinator
  • Sectional Community and Youth Coordinator
  • Sectional Radio and Traffic Coordinator
  • Sectional Training Officer
  • Sectional CanWarn Coordinator
  • ACS Group Coordinator
  • ACS Rapid Response Team Leader
  • ACS Provincial Response Team Coordinator

About Us

Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) is the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada. It is a not-for-profit membership association with its headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, representing the interests of Amateur Radio across Canada.

Radio Amateurs of Canada represents all Canadian Amateurs at all levels of government. Speaking on behalf of Canadian Radio Amateurs, RAC provides liaison with government agencies and carries the Amateur voice about regulatory and spectrum issues to the discussion table with government and industry leaders, nationally and internationally. RAC is the Canadian voting member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

For more information “About RAC” please see  the “We Are All About Amateur Radio” brochure.

RAC Canada Day Contest 2023 Results

RAC Contest Managers 
Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU and 
Sam Ferris, VE5SF

The RAC Contest Management Team is pleased to present the RAC Canada Day Contest 2023 Results.
It was certainly nice to see the solar cycle continue on its upswing, leading to better conditions on 10 and 15 metres for the 
RAC Canada Day Contest 2023. With improved solar conditions and a weekend Canada Day event there was a record 835 logs submitted – a 12% increase over last year’s record performance. 
With a total of 108,225 QSOs logged, it was not only the best entry turnout but the highest number of logged QSOs we have ever recorded!
Three new records were established this year with all of them in the new assisted categories. Please see inside for all of the details.
Thank you for participating in the contest! We would also like to thank all of our great sponsors for continuing to support the contest and Amateur Radio in Canada  and internationally. 

Download (PDF, 711KB)

Don’t forget that the RAC Canada Winter Contest 2023 is being held on December 30. The complete contest rules are provided below.

Thank you!

RAC Canada Winter Contest 2023 Rules: December 30

Front cover of the November-December 2023 issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine

Welcome to the November-December 2023 issue of The Canadian Amateur

The digital (eTCA) version of the November-December 2023 TCA is now available for viewing or download. 

The paper version is now at the printer.

To download your copy please visit: 



Bienvenue au numéro de novembre-décembre 2023 de “The Canadian Amateur”.

La version électronique (eTCA) du numéro novembre-décembre 2023 de la revue TCA est désormais disponible pour visualisation ou téléchargement.

La version papier a été confiée à l’imprimeur.

Pour télécharger votre exemplaire, veuillez visiter le site :


Questions, Comments, Suggestions?

If you have suggestions or comments for RAC then please send them to your Regional Director. For a complete list of the RAC Board of Directors and Executive please visit: https://wp.rac.ca/our-organization/

RAC Office Hours for RAC HQ: Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm EST

If you have questions, donation queries, etc. please contact us below or email . Content updates, etc. for RAC, send them to the webmaster.

Radio Amateurs of/du Canada
720 Belfast Road
Suite 217
Ottawa, ON
K1G 0Z5

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