IARU HF Championships: July 11 and 12

The aim of the IARU HF Championships is to contact as many other Amateurs, especially International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Member Society HQ stations, around the world as possible using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metre bands, and using phone and CW.

The Contest runs from 12:00 UTC on Saturday, July 11 to 11:59 UTC on Sunday, July 12 and both Single and Multi-operator stations may operate the entire 24-hour period.

IARU Member Society HQ stations – such as VA2RAC, VE9RAC and VO1RAC – send a signal report and official IARU Member Society abbreviation as listed on the IARU website at: www.iaru.org/member-societies.html

The IARU International Secretariat club station NU1AW counts as a HQ station and sends “IARU”. Members of the IARU Administrative Council, and the three IARU Regional Executive Committees, send “AC”, “R1”, “R2” and “R3” respectively. All other operators send a signal report and their ITU zone; for South Africa that is ITU Zone 57. A complete exchange must be logged for each valid QSO.

The logs must be submitted by 12:00 UTC on Friday, July 17, 2020.

You will find the complete rules at www.arrl.org/iaru-hf-world-championship

Additional information:

COVID-19 and the IARU HF World Championship

It is essential that the global COVID-19 pandemic must be taken into account when planning participation, including by IARU member-society HQ station teams.

Multi Operator and IARU Member Society HQ Station operations must adhere strictly to the regulations and physical distancing guidelines issued by the responsible health authorities and the World Health Organization and in effect at the time of the event, even if observing the guidelines is not legally required in their locations.

This requirement also applies to Single Operator stations and especially to those hosting guest operators. This may reduce participation but it is vital that the IARU, its member societies, and individual radio amateurs behave as responsible members of the global community.

Radio Amateurs should always look for opportunities to address communication challenges through the application of technology. Growing numbers of stations including Multi Operator stations are capable of being operated remotely. The IARU encourages their participation in the HF World Championship wherever national regulations permit.

The objective of the IARU HF World Championship is “to support amateur self-training in radiocommunications including improving amateur operating skills, conducting technical investigations, and intercommunicating with other Amateurs around the world, especially IARU member society headquarters stations, using the 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10-metre bands.”

The special rules governing IARU Member Society HQ Stations allow for multiple sites to be used, again subject to national regulations. HQ stations will be able to be active, but possibly not at their usual level.

Plans are being developed for the IARU Headquarters station, NU1AW, to be operated entirely remotely.