Point Prim Lighthouse on Prince Edward Island
Point Prim Lighthouse on Prince Edward Island

The International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW) has been held on the third full weekend each August since 1998. This year the event will be held this coming weekend on August 22-23.

The ILLW website (https://illw.net/) describes the event as follows:

“The ILLW attracts over 500 lighthouse entries located in over 40 countries. It is one of the most popular international Amateur Radio events in existence probably because there are very few rules and it is not the usual contest type event. It is also free and there are no prizes for contacting large numbers of other stations. There is little doubt that the month of August has become Lighthouse Month due largely to the popularity and growth of the ILLW.”

A note on the ILLW website states:

“The ILLW for 2020 will not be cancelled, but participation will be the decision of each entrant depending on their own circumstances and Government rulings regarding border and national parks closures and social contact.”

Official List of Registrations 2020 Total = 334 (43 Countries)

A list of Entrants in the ILLW 2020 event can be found at the link provided below.

ILLW Entrants: entrants-list-2020

Plans are underway for a number of lighthouse activations on Prince Edward Island by the Maritime Lighthouse Amateur Radio Group (MLARG) using the call sign VY2PLH

One planned activation will be at Point Prim (CAN 809) and there is also the possibility of an activation at Cape Bear (CAN 092). MLARG activities can be followed online at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MLARG/.

The MLARG extends an invitation to any Amateur who would like to operate and they will also facilitate individual activations at other locations. 

The PEI Lighthouse Society lists in excess of 50 sites. If you would like to do an activation please contact George Dewar at or

For more information on the PEI Lighthouse Society please visit: