Welcome to Radio Amateurs of Canada
Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) is the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada and represents all Canadian Amateurs at all levels of government. Speaking on behalf of Canadian Radio Amateurs, RAC provides liaison with government agencies and carries the Amateur voice about regulatory and spectrum issues to the discussion table with government and industry leaders, nationally and internationally.
RAC is the Canadian voting member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). RAC’s membership journal – The Canadian Amateur (TCA) magazine, Canada’s premiere national magazine devoted to Amateur Radio – is published six times per year and is available in both print and digital (eTCA) formats as a benefit to RAC members.
You can find downloadable brochures about Radio Amateurs of Canada and the Wonderful World of Amateur Radio at: https://www.rac.ca/brochures/
RAC HQ Office Hours: Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm EST | Email:
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- RAC Homepage
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- Long Delayed Echoes

RAC President Allan Boyd, VE3AJB, Attends Annual ARRL Board Meeting: January 17-18

Incorrect Email sent to RAC Members about Membership Cancellation

Canadian Amateurs Invited to Participate in Solar Eclipse Project

Science in the Shadows: NASA Selects Five Experiments for 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Special Event to Celebrate 180th Anniversary of Dominican Republic Independence