Send comments to Microwave Band Planning Committee Chair, Dana Shtun, VE3DS. Note: The Amateur bands above 70 GHz were changed at WRC 2000 (see the comparison table on this website for the changes). Since Industry Canada has not yet approved the changed allocations in Canada, the RAC Band plans currently reflect the pre WRC 2000 bands. If you wish to operate above 70 GHz, it would be wise to contact either RAC, or the chair of the Microwave Band Planning Committee, to find out the latest status.

3300 – 3500 MHz
Available Spectrum: 200 MHz
(approved May 23 1998)
Fixed, Radiolocation Primary
Amateur Secondary
3300 – 3400Digital
3400 – 3410Amateur Satellite
3400 – 3450Digital/Video
3450 – 3500Weak Signal and EME communications
3400 – 3405Region 1 EME Window
3400.1 MHzCentre frequency
3456.1Region 2 Calling Frequency
3456.3 – 3457Propagation Beacons

5650 – 5925 MHz
Available Spectrum: 275 MHz
(approved May 23 1998)
Radiolocation, Mobile, Fixed, Primary
Amateur and Amateur Satellite Secondary
5650-5670Amateur Satellite Up Link only
5650 – 5725Digital
5759 – 5765Weak Signal and EME Communications
5760.1Calling Frequency
5760.5 – 5761Propagation Beacons
5830-5850Amateur Satellite Down Link Only
5770 – 5925Digital /Video

10.0 – 10.5 GHz
Available Spectrum: 500 MHz
(Revised version approved Oct 14, 2003)
Radiolocation Primary
Amateur Secondary
Amateur Satellite Secondary (10.45-10.50 GHz only)
All Modes:
– Suggested Wideband FM Voice Channels (Duplex, 30 or 90 MHz IF): 10.220, 10.250, 10.280, 10.310, 10.340, 10.370 (use only if no interference to narrowband stations), 10.400, 10.430 GHz
Modes with bandwidths greater than 20 MHz should use 10.000-10.200 GHz, where practical
10.360-10.380Narrowband Modes Only
including EME:
– SSB/CW Calling Frequency: 10.3681 GHz
– use modes with under 20 kHz bandwidth
10.450-10.500Amateur Satellite Service Only:
– 10.450-10.452 GHz may be also used for Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) communications with countries where the usual EME frequencies near 10.368 GHz are not available.


1. The committee felt that dividing the band up between digital, video and wideband voice modes was unnecessarily constricting given the low probability of interference problems between modes. The suggested frequencies should provide for interoperability of equipment while avoiding most interference.

2. A wider allocation is maintained for narrowband modes than in the IARU Region 1 band plan (there is no band plan for Region 2). This is to provide a guard band to protect against interference between narrowband stations near 10.368 GHz and wideband stations, which typically suffer from several MHz of drift and frequency setting error. This takes into account the trend toward more home station operation (including EME) on narrowband modes, where one can not get away from interference by simply moving to a new operating site. The sub-band edges were chosen as multiples of 10 MHz simply to make them easy to remember.

3. The 20 kHz bandwidth is intended to define narrow band FM as a narrowband mode. The 20 MHz bandwidth is intended to define normal FM ATV as a normal wideband mode, not a very wide band mode that should stay below 10.200 GHz.

4. The suggested wideband FM voice channels are based on the activity originally established with MA/COM Gunnplexers at 10.25 and 10.28 GHz centre frequencies, and the most common IFs used with duplex equipment in Canada (30 MHz, sometimes 90 MHz).  A calling frequency is not practical for duplex operation.

5. The wording regarding 10.370 GHz wideband FM is intended to give precedence to narrowband, but to allow the continued use of wideband FM (as has been the practice in Ontario) as long as there is no interference.

24.00 – 24.05 GHz
Available Spectrum: 50 MHz
Amateur/Amateur Satellite PRIMARY
24.05 – 24.25 GHz
Available Spectrum: 200 MHz
(Revised version approved Oct 14, 2003)
Radio location Primary
Amateur, Radar satellites Secondary
All Modes
24.192-24.194 (primary)
24.048- 24.050 (alternate)
Narrow Band Modes Only, including EME
24.1921Narrow Band Calling Frequency
24.075-24.175Suggested Band for Wideband FM Voice

Notes for 24 GHz:

1. The 2 MHz for narrow band at 24.048 GHz is there because it is in the IARU Region 1 band plan. The understanding is that the intent is to provide for narrowband duplex operation using 144 MHz IF. There appears to be no reason why we should not provide for this, even if it is not currently used in North America.

2. EME operation is understood to be currently centred at 24.1921 GHz.

3. To protect any future satellite operation from interference, the 24.000-24.050 GHz section has been left out of the “all modes” category.

47.0 – 47.2 GHz
Available Spectrum: 200 MHz
(Revised version approved Oct 14, 2003)
Amateur/Amateur Satellite PRIMARY
47.0-47.2All Modes
47.0881Narrow Band Calling Frequency

Notes for 47 GHz1:

The new calling frequency reflects international usage and commercial equipment availability.

Note: The Amateur bands above 70 GHz were changed at WRC 2000 (See the comparison table on this website for the changes). The following band plans (approved May 23 1998) reflect the pre WRC 2000 allocations.

75.5 – 76.0 GHz
Available Spectrum: 500 MHz
Amateur/Amateur Satellite PRIMARY
75,500.1 MHzNarrow Band Calling Frequency
76.0 – 81.0 GHz
Available Spectrum: 5000 MHz
Radiolocation Primary
Amateur and Amateur Satellite Secondary
Inter Satellite Communications/Space Based Links included in this sub band.

119.98 – 120.02 GHz
Available Spectrum: 40MHz
Remote sensing satellites,
Fixed, Mobile,
Inter-satellite, Space research Primary
Amateur Secondary

142 – 144 GHz
Available Spectrum: 2000 Mhz
Amateur and Amateur Satellite PRIMARY
Space based communications
Near Earth orbit to moon
Earth to Space links
144 – 149 GHz
Available Spectrum: 5000 MHz
Amateur and Amateur Satellite Secondary
Space based communications -near earth to moon
Coordinated with the Radio Astronomy Service

241 -248 GHz
Available Spectrum: 7000 MHz
Amateur and Amateur Satellite Secondary
248 – 250 GHz
Available Spectrum: 2000 MHz
Amateur and Amateur Satellite Primary
Space based /Earth to Space/near earth to deep space communications

above 400 GHz
Available without licence