CARAB Meeting Minutes

Terms of Reference


The Canadian Amateur Radio Advisory Board (CARAB) is a non-profit consultative group consisting of members of the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) and the Spectrum Management Operations Branch of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED). Its function is to provide a consultative forum between Canadian Radio Amateurs and the regulator. Other than provided herein, CARAB is acknowledged as a consultative entity. It is understood that agreed-upon action is not binding on either the RAC or IC.


a) Chairs

CARAB is co-chaired by the President of RAC and the Senior Director of Spectrum Management Operations, Spectrum Management Operations Branch of IC.

b) Membership

CARAB membership comprises the co-chairs, the RAC Vice President for Regulatory Affairs, the Manager of Operational Policies, Spectrum Management Operations (IC) and such staff of either organization as agreed to by both co-chairs.


CARAB meets in person for one-half day once annually in the spring, using an agenda prearranged by the co-chairs. An optional second meeting, either in person or using electronic means, may be held during the fall at the call of either co-chair. The co-chairs preside over alternate meetings. Every attempt is made to hold meetings coincident with RAC Board or National Executive meetings.

The summary record is to be prepared within 30 days of the meeting by the meeting chair’s organization, and approved by the co-chairs before being distributed to IC staff, RAC members and other parties as deemed appropriate.

From time to time, matters may be raised at CARAB meetings or elsewhere to be followed up at special-topic meetings or teleconferences. These meetings are held on an as-required basis between the appropriate staff members of both organizations, at times and places agreed upon by the participants. The outcomes of these meetings will be reported on at the next CARAB meeting.


The agreement to continue CARAB remains in effect until one or both parties give notice of at least 60 days that it intends to withdraw.


These terms of reference were approved by the President of RAC and the Director General, Spectrum Management Operations of IC.

Fiona Gilfillan, Director General, Spectrum Management Operations, Industry Canada, and;

Geoff Bawden, President, Radio Amateurs of Canada