The following list of Amateur Radio Nets is an ongoing project that needs your help to keep it current. It is very much a work in progress.

Please let us know if you have any changes, additions or deletions by contacting:

In addition, if you know of a good source of nets on the Web please share the links with us and we will add it to the page.

National and International Nets

 National Traffic System

The Canadian Amateur Radio Aurora Net

This net is a meeting places for Amateur Radio Stations giving operators the opportunity to make contacts, pass traffic and encourage use of the 40 metre Amateur Radio band. We cover YK, NU, NWT, BC, AB, SK, MB, & ON.

These are SSB nets – CW stations are welcome to check into the nets. Please see our website for more information.

Net Manager Todd, VE7GBO –

Assistant Manager Bruce, VA7TV

NCS are Brian, VE6XX, Paddy,  VE7VQ, Gerry, VE6JER, Scott, VY1CO, Jim,  VE6JRR, Don, VE7KD and Martin, VE7ABR. There are others waiting in the wings to help out with relays and CW and more.

We encourage check ins to include a first name, and to not be shy. On a good day we can usually count on 150 to 175 check-ins, and the net may take 1 1/2 hours start to finish. In Alberta the net starts at 17:00 hours MT. = 23:00 UTC

There are two sessions of the Aurora Net:

Afternoon Aurora Net – daily on 40 metres – 7.100 MHz. – 23:00 UTC

Net Manager Todd, VE7GBO *

Evening Aurora Net – Sunday – 7.100 MHz. – 9:30 PM CST (MB time – year round)

Net Manager Wayne, VE4WR *

Net operation is dependant on band conditions & availability of Net Control Stations.

All Amateur Radio Operators are welcome of check into the net!


Canadian-American Net: 0900 Eastern Time, seven days a week on 7.153 MHz.

This net aims to unite Amateurs in the Eastern US and Canada. Some 40 Amateurs from Canada and the US typically check in for each session, and the net accommodates CW and SSB. This net is a successor to the former Communications Ontario (COMSONT) Net.

Net control staff is split about evenly between VE’s and Stateside ops. All are welcome to join. Amateurs checking in on both Phone and CW are counted twice!

 Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Net: 

  • 40m Net: 7.100 MHz: Tuesday – 1400 UTC Winter and 1500 UTC Summer; September-May
  • 20m Net: 14.120 MHz; Tuesday – 1700 UTC – Sept-May
  • 80m East Net: 3.750 MHz; 2400 UTC (Winter) 2300 UTC (Summer)
    September to May. Net Control: Roberta, VA3RMW

Triple T Net: Every two weeks: 2130 UTC Repeater Station *VE3TTT* (Echolink) or IRLP Node #2400. Minnie, VE3DBQ or Audrey, VE1PK. Hope to hear you on the air!

The Trans-Canada Net: 18:00 UTC Sundays & Stat Holidays. 14.140 MHz USB. The TCN starts at 18:00 GMT on Sundays and most Canadian Satutory Holidays. Tom, VA7TA, TCN Net Manager –

The Trans-Canada AllStar Net: Sundays at 1 pm Eastern on The Canada Hub: AllStar node 517300 (also available on IRLP reflector 9029, EchoLink VE7NZ-L, and Hamshack Hotline 94069). More info at

The Trans-Provincial Net: Monday to Friday 8 am to 5 pm EST; 7.1000 MHz LSB. Our controllers provide signal reports, pass traffic and take your checkins. All Canadian Amateurs are welcome on phone or CW (subject to controller ability). For more information visit our website at:
Canadian Red Cross Net: The Amateur Radio Station at the Canadian Red Cross Headquarters in Ottawa conducts a weekly net on Sundays at 1900z on 14.125. The various Red Cross associated station across Canada usually check-in, but all check-ins are welcome. There are usually a one or two check-ins from Europe.
Ten-Ten International Net:
IRLP International YL Net:

British Columbia

Vancouver 2m SSB Net

An informal net held every Thursday evening at 1900 local time on 144.225 MHz. VE7ROX usually leads the way, but we have no official net control or operating procedures. If you don’t hear anyone, just jump in and call CQ. Participants range from Coquitlam (and east) all the way out to south Vancouver Island.

Most stations are running vertical polarization. Often, after the 2m net, some people head up to 432 MHz for a while, or down to 6m, or both.

Vancouver Island 6m net: This net runs on Saturdays 11:00 PST 50.150 USB

Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association 80m net: 

Sundays 16:30 PST 3744 kHz LSB

VECTOR (Vancouver Emergency Community Telecommunications Organization):

Every Wednesday night at 20:00 local. The net covers emergency communications and preparedness and usually includes a guest speaker or topic of interest. It’s on 145.170MHz.

Royal Naval Amateur Radio Society Net:

Every Sunday at 1830 UTC to 2000 UTC. All are welcome to join the net. Reg, in Victoria B.C. conducts the net.

Westcoast Amateur Radio Association Net, Victoria: 

146.84 MHz, 146.66 MHz repeaters. Monday nights at 7pm local time, Swap and Shop, news and events.

The Victoria New Horizons ARC Net:

Open to all to check in, but primarily for seniors), meets on 145.41 – Monday through Friday year around at 8:45 am. Visitors welcome.

University of British Columbia IRLP Net: 

Meets Sunday evenings at 20:00 PST. It can be accessed across Canada on IRLP node 1000 (

The BC Public Service Corps Net: 

Meets at 01.30 z every day at 3729 KHz, or 5:30 pm PST Winters, and 6:30 pm Summers. It is in session for 90 minutes, taking traffic for BC or any other points within range.

British Columbia Yukon Section Traffic Net:

Daily  0230 UTC on 3720 kHz. The Net Manager is Allan Ross, VE7WJ,  Section Traffic Manager for British Columbia.


Alberta Public Service Net
This net runs daily on 3.700MHz at 01:30Z. Net manager Don VE6JY

The Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club VHF Net

The CAARC Monday Night VHF Net is held:

  • at 20:00 hrs local (Mountain) on the CAARC linked repeater system VE6QE 147.150 + near Red Deer, VE6VHF 146.910 – near Rocky Mountain House, VE6PZ – 145.210 – near Nordegg and VE6UK 145.250 – near Big Valley.
  • The Net Control station rotates weekly and, periodically just for fun, a dual mode net will be run with stations checking in on VHF then QSY to an alternate mode on another frequency such as CW, packet, IRLP or APRS for a second check in.
  • Weekly net information can be found at with the schedule of Net Controllers.


The Central Alberta ARC holds a VHF ARES Net:

  • Sunday nights at 20:00 local time (Mountain)
  • on the CAARC linked repeater system VE6QE, the SARA system and the ARES UHF system VE6YXR
  • The net manager is Stephen VA6SGL, EC.


PARC Chit Chat Net:

This net runs at 0200 UTC Every Sunday on the following repeaters.

  • Canora: 147.300+ MHz
 Roblin, MB: 147.000+ MHz
Norquay: 147.080+ MHz
  • Rocanville: 145.310- MHz
  • Hendon: 146.610- MHz
  • Yorkton: 145.49000; IRLP Nodes may connect to Reflector 9307

EchoLink Stations may connect to: 496527 (VE5HAW-R)

Other nets

For other Saskatchewan Nets visit:


The Manitoba Seniors Morning Net meets on 147.39 MHz at 0900 local time Monday to Friday on the repeater VE4WPG repeater. Net manager –
The Manitoba Repeater Society holds nets Thursday and Sunday evenings at 9:00 pm local times on VE4WPG 147.390 MHz tone 127.3, and other repeaters on the linked system. It is an open net, featuring check ins, announcements, and a swap and shop. Net Manager Dick VE4HK


The Central Toronto Amateur Radio Club holds a weekly net on the VA3ATL repeater  (444.7750 +5.0 MHz offset CTCSS:110.9 Hz) every Tuesday night at 19:30 hrs except the first Tuesday of each month which is the club’s monthly meeting night. The VA3ATL repeater has great coverage in all directions across the GTA region. All Amateurs are welcome to join. For more information please see our club website VA3CTA.NET
 “6 in the 6ix Net”: A new (November 2020) and growing net on 6m called the “6 in the 6ix Net” meet on Wednesday nights, 1930 ET on 50.416 MHz, USB. Net control is  Andrew, VE3YTP, in Etobicoke, ON (west side of Toronto). All are welcome. For more information please visit:
Ontario Amateur Radio Service Net: The ONTARS net meets daily on 3.755 MHz from 7 am to 6pm daily ET with a different controller every hour. The net manager is Barry, VE3ISX. The website provides controller opportunities, special events listings such as hamfests, and our very own ONTARS Market Place where Amateurs can post “Amateur only” type equipment listings. Inquiries: For more information visit:
The Bay Bridge Net: A joint service provided by the Quinte and Prince Edward Radio Clubs which meets at 7:30 pm Tuesday  local time year round. It also has a temporary Morning Edition every day at 10:00 am local time during the current pandemic. It runs on interconnected repeaters VE3TJU, VE3KFR and VE3QAR and is Allstar accessible. Please refer to  for connection details.
The Welcome Mat Net: operates Wednesdays at 1900 hrs on Ottawa repeater, VE3TWO, 147.30 MHz+. The purpose of this net is to encourage new Radio Amateurs to get on the air and to stimulate use of the club’s repeater, VE3TWO.
Border City Radio Club Monday Night Net: Windsor, Ontario;  VE3WIN 147.000 (+) 118.8 Hz pl; 7:00 pm every Monday Night except Club meeting nights on the 3rd Monday of each month. No nets during July and August. General information net including Swap listings.
The Black Fly Net: at 10 am ET Sunday, 147.24 +. This 2m net has been on the air for quite some time – dare one say years and in addition to the permanent population of the Haliburton Highlands, they also appeal to the cottage crowd that swells the county population 100x every summer! All are welcome to check in. The net has a different net controller each week, is held every week of the year and is sponsored by the The Black Fly Repeater Association.
Monday Night Net: at 8:00pm ET Monday, 147.24 + This 2m net has been on the air for quite some time – dare one say years and in addition to the permanent population of the Haliburton Highlands, they also appeal to the cottage crowd that swells the county population 100x every summer! All are welcome to check in. The net has a different net controller each week, is held every week of the year and is sponsored by the Minden Amateur Radio Club.
Peel ARC Nets: Peel Amateur Radio Club (Brampton, Ontario) hosts a number of regular weekly nets: Wednesday Evening ARES Net 8:00pm 146.880 (-), 443.550 (+) Thursday Morning Net: 10:00am 146.880 (-) Tuesday Evening SSTV Net: 8:00pm 443.550 (+) Sunday Evening 6 meter Net 9:00pm 53.190 (- 1 MHz) Sunday Morning CW Net 10:00am on 3.685 MHz (+/- QRM)
Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club 2 metre FM Net – Thursdays at 2000 Eastern, on VE3OCE. This is the flagship net of the OVMRC, all are welcome to join in to catch up on Club news and ragchew. . Website:
Ottawa Valley Mobile Radio Club Pot Hole Net – Sundays at 1000 Eastern, 3760 kHz., LSB. This is the OVMRC HF net and has been running continuously since May, 1959. All are welcome to join in.
The Nickel Belt Amateur Radio Net : 40 metres; 7,250 kHz. Held Monday to Friday between 3 pm and 5 pm local time. Warm up starts at 2:30 pm EST. We are located in Copper Cliff in Ontario. Open to all who would like to join in. We are looking forward to your check in! For more information visit:
The Sandbox Net: Meets daily on 3.733 at 1830 hours [ET]. The net manager is Rob Noakes, VE3PCP, with different controllers each evening. Although SSB is our primary mode, controllers will recognize CW or have you relayed in. It is a roundtable, friendly discussion net with topics of general interest and a general meeting place where stations are called back in for 2nd and 3rd rounds depending on band conditions and net activity. Come and join us! Website:
The Ottawa Valley VHF/UHF SSB Net meets most Tuesdays at 21:00 on 144.250 MHz USB (upper sideband). To the extent possible, both horizontal and vertical polarization will be monitored during the net, although horizontal polarization is the generally accepted standard for SSB and weak signal work. This is an informal net, open to any and all Amateurs who wish to check in. Operators are invited to test their station equipment, experiment and discuss items of interest to other Radio Amateurs. After the net on 144.250 MHz, we will hold a quick roll call on 50.150 MHz, then 432.150 MHz, then other bands including 222.150 MHz, 903.150 MHz and 1296.100 MHz if stations are interested. Members of the net are usually available to conduct or assist with special tests on antennas, other modes such as CW and FM and also using digital modes such as PSK31, SSTV and WSJT. Net Control tries his best to have the entire net and roll calls over by 2215hrs so the demand on your personal time is kept to a minimum. The regular Net Control station is Glenn, VE3XRA, located in FN25dj. We look forward to chatting with you. Please join us. Visit
New Hams Ottawa Net: This net meets weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm to provide an opportunity for new and returning hams to gain experience operating on VHF, participating in a structure net by talking about topics of interest to all Hams. Everyone is welcome to join this net and are considered to be learning and practicing how to participate in a net. This net is also being broadcast using Echolink repeater VA3EGY-R All check-ins are welcome, no club affiliations are required.
Getting Started Activities: The New Hams Ottawa Net also provides resources to new operators such as a list of various activities to get started in the hobby or explore new and emerging areas for the seasoned operator.
Repeater: VE2CRA at:
The Ottawa Area QCWA Net: meets on repeater VE3OCE (147.030 out/ 146.430 in) on Monday evenings at 1930 hours local by the kind permission of the Pioneer Amateur Radio Club. The callsign used is VE3QCW.The purpose of the NET is to promote interest in the QCWA, and in particular in Chapter 70, the National Capital Chapter. The Net is also to exchange information of interest to Area Amateurs. You do not have to be a QCWA member to participate in the Net – everyone is welcome.
CANAM Net: daily at 0915 Eastern, 7135 kHz. Regularly interfaces with Ontario Phone Net for Priority, Welfare and Routine traffic – with the schedule of Net Controllers
The Sunparlor Amateur Radio Club 80m Net: The Sunparlor Amateur Radio Club in Leamington, Ontario has an 80 metre net at 13:00 local (EST) time on 3805 kHz  every Sunday. The net is open to all and gives all an opportunity to check equipment and antennas.
The North Bay Net: Sundays 0900L, 3.768MHz, hosted by VE3RNY. Any and all check-ins are welcome.
The North Bay Amateur Radio Club VHF Net: Monday Mornings 0700 – 0800L on 145.110(-) . The operators change but all hams in the area or passing thru are welcome to check in.
The Pot Lid Net (PLN): a slow speed CW NET (8-12 WPM) on 6 metres, 50.090 MHz., horizontal polarisation at 1930 Eastern, each Sunday following Labour Day and through the winter until the last Sunday before Field Day. The purpose of the NET is to promote interest in CW operation and CW NET procedures. This net caters to amateurs in the Ottawa National Capital Region but all are welcome to join in if you hear us.  A good source of code practice for beginners and listeners. The NET manager is Roger, VE3XRR, 613-741-9847 if additional information is required
The ABW (Anything But Weather) Net: meets on Thursday evenings at 1930 hours Eastern Standard Time, on 3740 kHz. The ABW net is a fairly casual ragchew net where we try to discuss … Anything But the Weather. Moderator is Susan Mogensen VE3MOG. All check-ins are welcome.

The York Region Amateur Radio Club Health & Welfare Net is a nightly net starting at 8:30 pm local time on the VE3YRA (145.350- CTCSS 103.5Hz) and VE3YRC (444.225+ No CTCSS) repeaters.

The net is open to all Amateurs and checks up on everyone’s status and whether they need any assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to operate until it is over. To keep things interesting each night we ask a 10-second question of the net controller’s choosing to everyone who checks in. The net begins with a roll call of stations that have checked-in during the past week, then opens up to everyone else.

The net has been running continuously since March averaging 20-25 check-ins nightly with over 150 stations already in the log. The repeater system covers all of  York Region and beyond.


The Quebec net is each night at 7 pm on 3.780. Although it is conducted in French all are welcome. If you are in the Nation’s Capital, every Wednesday at 7 pm VE2REH net at 147.105 + 147.705. It covers from the Pontiac (West Quebec area) up to the west part of Montreal island (Rigaud area) through a different repeater. It also covers the Eastern Ontario and Ottawa Area.

Professional Loafers Net

The Professional Loafers (PL Net) has been held since 1945.

It is run daily from 0800 hrs to 0900 hrs on 3.787.00 in Dorval, Quebec.

The net is open to everyone and discussions are about Amateur Radio and anything you think may be of interest.

The Net controller is Wayne VE2WHH.

Website info:



Maritime HF Net: Daily 7 pm AT – 3.750MHz.
Wake-Up Net : Monday to Friday at 7:30 am AT – *MAVCOM System
WestCumb ARC 2M Net: Monday 8 pm AT – VE1WRC Amherst NS 147.285+
Maritime Fusion Net: Wednesday 7 pm AT “CQ Maritimes Room 60207”
Exercise Handshake: Last Tuesday each month 7 pm AT. – *MAVCOM System & HF 3.675 MHz. (Amateurs associated with local EMO)
Maritime Ladies Net – Third Sunday each month – 3 pm AT – MAVCOM System
Note: in the above table *MAVCOM refers to the Maritime Amateur Voice Communications System Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island.

New Brunswick

International Repeater Group (IRG) net:
  • Every Sunday Night at 9 pm Net Control Station rotates weekly with: VE9MTB (Rick); VE1PIN (Bert); VE1VON (Yvon); VE9FCP (Francis); VE1RG (Al) on fifth Sundays
  • At 9:30 pm during the IRG net, taking turns each week:
  • IRG Swap Shop with VE1AIN (Paul): Listen for or list your Amateur Radio related gear. For Sale, For Swap or Wanted.
  • Don Weeks VE9WB Memorial Report: News from VE1AKT (Al) related to Amateur Radio. History of VE9WB.
 The Tuesday Night Net
  • Tuesday Night Net on the IRG system
  • Net control stations Al VE1RG or Benoit VE9BTB
  • Every Tuesday night at 9 pm
Weather Net
  • Every morning at 7:30 am, usually November to April, depending on weather and flooding conditions.
  • The exact start and end dates will be announced depending on seasonal conditions.
  • Net Control Stations are Rick, VE9MTB and Blair, KB1UET, who are gathering your local observations for relay to Environment & Climate Change Canada, River Watch and others.
  • Requires no weather station, special training or membership in anything.
  • Resources and tips on reporting your weather to the Weather Net.
Miramichi Area VHF Net
  • Every Wednesday Night, 9 pm
  • Net control stations Gary, VE9GSB or Ron, VE1BCQ
  • On Central Zone: (VE1XI Doaktown; VE9MIR Miramichi; VE9SMT Scotch Mountain)
  • Every Thursday night at 9 pm
  • Net control rotates weekly with: VE9PIN (Bert); VE9BK (J-P); VE9OR (Charles); VE9MTB (Rick); VE9SDH (Scott on fifth Thursday)
  • The net is to promote and practise good emergency communications for Amateur Radio operators, and to test the operation of the repeater system. It will be a structured net rather than a social net, but all are welcome to listen or participate.

Newfoundland and Labrador

VO Evening Traffic Net: This is the longest standing net in NL. It runs on 3740 kHz LSB at 22:30Z, 7:00 pm Local Time (6:30 pm in Labrador).
Cod Jigger Net: This net runs on 7085 kHz LSB at 13:00Z, 9:30 am Local Time (9:00 am in Labrador). Alternate frequency is 3740 kHz. LSB.
Newfoundland VHF Evening Net: This net runs on the Island Linked Repeater System, at 00:30Z, 9:00 pm Local Time (8:30 in Labrador).