Chinese AMSAT organizationThe Amateur Radio satellite CAS-7B (BP-1B), carrying an FM transponder, was launched at 05:00 GMT on July 25, 2019 and the FM transponder and Telemetry Beacon have been received.

The satellite was launched on Hyperbola-1 from Jiuquan into a 300 km 42.7 degree inclination orbit. CAS-7B is expected to have a lifetime of less than a month before reentry.

  • CAS-7B is a spheriform spacecraft of 500 mm diameter with a mass of 3 kg
  • CW Telemetry Beacon: 435.715 MHz 20 dBm
  • V/U FM Transponder Downlink: 435.690 MHz 20 dBm, 16 kHz bandwidth
  • V/U FM Transponder Uplink: 145.900 MHz 16 kHz bandwidth

For additional information please see the previous news post provided below.

Previous news post: July 15, 2019 — 

Another Amateur Radio satellite is set to launch from China

CAS-7B – a combined Amateur Radio and educational satellite which is shown above – is scheduled to launch on Monday, July 22.

The Chinese Amateur Satellite Group (CAMSAT) is working on the project with the Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), one of the most famous aerospace universities in China. Many teachers and students from the university are participating in the development and testing of the satellite and the university is also providing support for the launch.

CAMSAT CEO Alan Kung, BA1DU, reports that CAS-7B (BP-1B) is expected to launch on July 22 at 0500 UTC, on the Hyperbola 1 vehicle. CAS-7B is a spherical spacecraft, 500 millimetres (approximately 19.7 inches) in diameter with a mass of 3 kilograms (about 6.6 pounds).

The CW telemetry beacon will be on 435.715 MHz. The V/U FM 16 kHz wide transponder downlink is 435.690 MHz, and the uplink is 145.900 MHz. The launch from Jiuquan will be into a 300-kilometre (approximately 186-mile), 42.7° inclination orbit.

With the help of CAMSAT, the university has established an Amateur Radio club with call sign BI1LG and many students are members and are enjoying learning all about Amateur Radio satellite communication.

Because of the orbital apogee and the size and mass of the satellite, the orbital life of the satellite is expected to be only one week, up to a maximum of one month, which will also provide with an opportunity for Amateurs to track and monitor the satellite entering the atmosphere.

For more information about the satellite please visit:


CAMSAT CAS-7B (BP-1B) – News Release PDF with Telemetry Format: