Amateur Radio Clubs

There are many advantages to joining an Amateur Radio club. Clubs are a great resource and can help ease the transition by pointing you in the right direction: purchasing and setting up the right equipment; helping to explain the terminology; and providing a much-needed social network.

Clubs also are a great way to get involved in activities such as Field Day, Hamfests/Fleamarkets and Public and Community Services.

The RAC Affiliated Club Program

The RAC Affiliated Club Program provides an opportunity for Canadian Amateur Radio Clubs to provide support to their national Amateur Radio association, Radio Amateurs of Canada. The program provides valuable services and benefits that enhance the Amateur Radio experience for the club’s members including the RAC Affiliated Club Insurance Program. There are great savings on club liability and equipment insurance. A list of affiliated clubs can be found at: /affiliated-club-listing/.


A Repeater Council is an organization of volunteer Radio Amateurs recognized by the general Amateur Radio community, whose purpose is to review requests and make recommendations for Amateur installations using fixed frequencies in the bands above 29 MHz.

The name “Repeater Council” does not fully describe the frequency coordination function in today’s world. A more appropriate term would be “Frequency Coordination Council” or “Spectrum Management Council”. The term “Repeater Council” originated back in the days when FM voice repeaters were practically the only Amateur systems operating on fixed frequencies.

A “Frequency Coordination Council” has other responsibilities besides frequency coordination. For example, it is involved in band planning, working on approaches to solving technical problems and communication and cooperation with other local, regional and national organizations.

VHF/UHF Repeater Frequency Coordinators and Councils

If you or your club are planning to set up a repeater, please contact your local frequency coordinator before proceeding or before making changes, such as the antenna pattern or height, the power output or the addition of CTCSS tones.

For more information visit: /vhfuhf-repeater-frequency-co-ordinators-and-councils/

Repeater Frequency Coordination FAQs

If you have any questions about Repeater Frequency Coordination this is a great place to start: /questions-on-repeater-frequency-coordination/

Repeater Operation

For recommended repeater operating procedures please visit:  /repeater-operation/

VHF, UHF and Repeater Definitions

For definitions of repeater terminology please visit: /vhf-uhf-and-repeater-definitions/

Other Canadian Nets

Visit a listing of other Net operations at other-canadian-nets page.