Code of Ethics

The RAC Operating Manual states:

“The owner of an Amateur station has certain responsibilities in connection with its operation. They are not onerous but are important, especially if Amateurs are to uphold their enviable reputation of being law-abiding and self-policing. One must do one’s best to maintain this image.”

Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame member (1997) Bill Wilson, VE3NR (SK) wrote the following Code of Ethics for Radio Amateurs which was featured in the December 1997 issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine:

Code of Ethics by Bill Wilson, VE3NR:

The thoughtful Radio Amateur is:

Responsible – using courteous operating practice, complying with regulations and accepted technical standards;

Progressive – striving to develop and improve operating and technical skills;

Helpful – offering assistance, support and encouragement to other Amateurs, especially beginners; and

Public Spirited – offering use of station, knowledge and skills as a public service whenever possible.

William J. ‘Bill’ Wilson, VE3NR (SK 2010)

Bill obtained his Certificate of Proficiency in Radio in 1939. He entered the Ministry of Transport in 1947 and in 1968 he became the Director General of the Regulatory Service of the newly formed Ministry of Communications.

From 1959 to 1975 he represented Canada 13 times at meetings of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). He continued to promote the interests of Radio Amateurs with the Canadian government into the 1990s.

Bill was inducted into Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame in 1997. Sadly, he became a Silent Key in January 2010 at the age of 88 years.

For more information on Bill Wilson and his contribution to Amateur Radio please visit:

Note: for information on Operating in Foreign Countries please visit: