Other Operating Awards | Autres diplômes
In an effort to encourage award hunting and general activity on our frequency bands, we have decided to publish this list of other interesting Canadian and international Amateur Radio awards. Some of them are from well known national organizations, while others are sponsored by individual operators who have come up with their own awards. This list is a work in progress and we welcome any suggestions and links to awards that you have received or are working towards, that could interest others. Do you sponsor your own? Then let us know and tell us where to find the information. We will be happy to share this and appreciate your help in making this a valuable online resource for paper chasers around the globe.
Please email the RAC Awards Manager at with any suggestions for this list, or any relevant information or comment.
Pour encourager la chasse aux diplômes et l’activité en général sur nos bandes de fréquences, nous avons décidé de publier cette liste d’autres diplômes canadiens et internationaux intéressants pour les radioamateurs. Certains sont attribués par des organisations nationales bien connues, tandis que d’autres sont décernés par des opérateurs agissant à titre individuel qui ont créé leurs propres diplômes. Cette liste n’est pas censée être statique, et nous recevrons avec plaisir toute suggestion et tout lien concernant tout diplôme qui vous a été attribué ou que vous vous efforcez de recevoir, dans la mesure où il serait susceptible d’intéresser d’autres amateurs. Parrainez-vous un diplôme que vous avez créé? Dans l’affirmative, veuillez nous indiquer où trouver tous renseignements pertinents. Nous serons heureux de les disséminer, et nous vous serons reconnaissants de nous aider à faire de cette liste une précieuse ressource en ligne que les chasseurs de diplômes du monde entier ne manqueront pas d’apprécier.
Veuillez envoyer un courriel au directeur des diplômes RAC à pour lui communiquer vos suggestions, toute autre information pertinente ou tout commentaire approprié sur cette liste.
The Fédération des clubs radioamateurs du Québec currently sponsors the Certificat de la francophonie, which can be awarded for having worked stations in francophone countries. The rules and list of valid countries can be found here: https://raqi.ca/node/705
VE3OTW 5 Band Award
Jonathan Eliuk, VE3OTW, loves QSLing and certificate chasing, and has been an active member of the Amateur Radio community since he got his ticket. Not only does he enjoy sending out certificates for the special event calls he activates, but he has also started issuing his own award for having worked him on five different bands. More information can be found here: https://www.qrz.com/db/ve3otw
VE9UN Awards
Wilfred “Fred” Leblanc, VE9UN, offers four different awards available to Amateurs worldwide:
- Canada – United Nations Award
- Canadian Award
- Canadian – RSARS Award
- Canada – NATO Award
If you are interested in lighthouses, take a gander at the ARLHS. They offer plenty of awards for both activators and chasers. More information can be found here: https://arlhs.com/awards/
The ARRL currently sponsors the well-know and sought after DXCC and WAS awards, along with a few others. More information can be found here: https://www.arrl.org/AWARDS
The Czech Radio Club sponsors a multitude of very cool awards, including the OK Counties Award. More information can be found here: https://www.ceskyradioklub.cz/o-nas/diplomy/radioamaterske-diplomy-diplomy-vydavane-ceskym-radioklubem
The CTARL currently sponsors 3 different awards available to Amateurs and SWLs worldwide. More information can be found here: https://www.ctarl.org.tw/bv5ya/english_old/award.htm
CQ Magazine currently sponsors some of the most prestigious and sought after awards available to Amateur Radio Operators, including WAZ and WPX. More information can be found here: https://cq-amateur-radio.com/cq_awards/index_cq_awards.html
*The current link is no longer working, and the entire CQ magazine website seems to be down, and has been for a while. However, I have confirmation from the WAZ Awards Manager, Jose Castillo N4BAA, that the awards are still being issued. You can visit his website at n4baa.com or send your WAZ applications to him at
The DARC has been around since 1950 and sponsors the Worked All Europe Award and a few others. More information can be found here: https://www.darc.de/der-club/referate/dx/en/awards-of-darc-dx-commitee/awards-of-darc-dx-commitee/#c246673
The DARU curruntly sponsors the Worked Dutch Kingdom Certificate. More information can be found here: https://www.daru.nu/awards
Currently, the national Mexican Amateur Radio Federation sponsors four operating awards, from the Diploma WAXE to the Diploma AMÉRICA. More information can be found here: https://fmre.mx/actividades#254155e1-50c1-4743-b8a5-ad47ab1a0e57
The Croation Amateur Radio Association is the current sponsor of five different awards available to Amateur Radio operators. More information can be found here: https://www.hamradio.hr/diplome-nagrade-priznanja/
IOTA is another very popular Amateur Radio program promoting communications with, or from islands, which sponsors a extensive list of awards. More information can be found here: https://www.iota-world.org/iota-directory/iota-programme-rules/iota-programme-awards-and-performance-listings.html
The JARL boast an impressive list of awards available to Amateurs wordlwide, including the All Japan Districts, Worked All Japan, and Asian DX awards. More information can be found here: https://www.jarl.org/English/4_Library/A-4-2_Awards/Award_Main.htm
This national organisation currently sponsors two awards that are open to non-Colombian Amateurs, the ZHK and CHZ awards. More information can be found here: https://lcra.org.co/diplomas/
Unless your Portuguese is up to par, you’ll need Google Translate, but you should be able to find plenty of interesting and very elegant looking awards to chase. More information can be found here: http://www.labre-sp.org.br/diversos.php?xid=8
If you are looking for variety, look no further than the impressive awards program sponsored by the NZART. They offer 23 kiwi flavoured awards that should keep you busy for a very long time. More information can be found here: https://www.nzart.org.nz/activities/awards/
The Austrian national IARU member society offers a very extensive awards program. These will keep you busy for a long time. However, you’ll probably need to brush up on y our German in order to find your way around their website. More information can be found here: https://www.oevsv.at/opencms/oevsv/diplome/
POTA has without a doubt become one of the most popular Amateur Radio programs in recent years, encouraging operators everywhere to get outside and play radio. They also offer a variety of awards to both activators and hunters. More information can be found here: https://parksontheair.com/pota-awards/
The RCA sponsors multiple awards and have a very nicely laid out webpage with all the information. The awards can be sent in the mail or as a pdf file and look very nice. More information can be found here: https://www.lu4aa.org/wp/awards-program/
A few unique awards are available through this IARU member society, including two where you need to spell sentences with callsigns. More information can be found here: https://www.ce3aa.cl/category/diplomas/
This national organisation currently sponsors three fun awards, including the Certificado 19 Departamentos for contacting Amateurs in all 19 districts of Uruguay. More information can be found here: https://www.cx1aa.org/concursos-diplomas.php
The RSGB sponsors a variety of operating awards, including the Commonwealth Century Award and Worked ITU Zones Award. More information can be found here: https://rsgb.org/main/operating/amateur-radio-awards/
This national organisation for French Amateurs currently sponsors the DDFM (Diplôme des Départements Français de la Métropole). More information can be found here: https://web.r-e-f.org/les-diplomes/
Many of you are probably familiar with the very popular SOTA program. Similar to POTA, but with a focus on outdoor radio operating from mountain tops, they offer a variety of awards for both activators and chasers. More information can be found here: https://www.sota.org.uk/Joining-In/Awards
This small European country’s IARU member society offers a few awards for paper chasers. More information can be found here: https://www.ura.ad/Diplomes.html
The URE offers a very extensive awards program with a very modern, nice looking dedicated website from where all applications can be made. More information cane be found here: https://diplomas.ure.es/
The UBA currently sponsors two operating awards: Worked All Belgian Provinces and the Belgian Postcode Awards. A few of the different regional sections also sponsor some awards. More information can be found here: https://www.uba.be/en/hf/awards
Many will recognize this name as one of the best know QSL card printing services out there. Countless Amateurs over the years have trusted Gennady Treus with their cards and other radio related printing needs. But did you know that he offers an award as well? Indeed, the Fair QSLer award is available to any Amateur or SWL worldwide. Every QSL card you have showing the “UX5UO print” logo gets you a point, and you need 50 to apply for the award. More information can be found here: https://www.ux5uoqsl.com/index.php?lang=en&page=fair_qsler
The Dutch VRZA currently sponsors the Worked All Provinces, Worked All Netherlands award as well as a few others. More information can be found here: https://www.vrza.nl/wp/certificaten/
The VERON currently sponsors the PA Century Club award and a few others, for both Amateurs and shortwave listerners. More information can be found here: https://www.veron.nl/vereniging/commissies-en-werkgroepen/traffic-bureau/certificaten/
Looking for some awards down under? Look no further than the WIA, who sponsors a variety of challenging awards. More information can be found here: https://www.wia.org.au/members/wiadxawards/about/