Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) is the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada. It is a not-for-profit membership association with headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, representing the interests of Amateur Radio all across Canada.

Speaking on behalf of Canadian Radio Amateurs, RAC provides liaison with government agencies and carries the Amateur voice about regulatory and spectrum issues to the discussion table with government and industry leaders, nationally and internationally. RAC is the Canadian voting member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

RAC also provides many services, publications and supplies to its members to enhance their enjoyment of Amateur Radio.

Our Objectives:

The following objectives are excerpted intact from the RAC Constitution.

  • To represent and act as a liaison and coordinating body for Canadian Amateur Radio Associations, Societies, Organizations and individual Amateur Radio operators.
  • To act as a liaison organization between its members and other Amateur Radio organizations within and outside Canada.
  • To represent Canadian Amateur Radio operators in policy decisions regarding international issues and regulation that affect Amateur Radio within the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and at meetings and conferences of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
  • To act as a liaison organization and consultative body to municipal, provincial and federal governments in matters concerning the Amateur Service and act as a liaison and consultative body to the Canadian Government and its appropriate departments.
  • To promote excellence, the state of the art, and the interests of Amateur Radio’s many varied activities through a program of technical, regulatory and general information within the Amateur Service and to the Canadian public.
  • To maintain a tangible presence in the Amateur Radio operators community in the form of a corporate office and address.
  • To maintain a Field Organization for public service.

Our Core Values:

  • We seek to reach all Radio Amateurs to help them improve their knowledge of Amateur Radio and their operating skills.
  • We encourage the careful use of the radio spectrum needed to support our radio activities.
  • We actively seek and protect adequate spectrum and antenna space for Amateur Radio activities and work in cooperation with other organizations and governments to ensure their availability at all times.
  • We believe that Radio Amateurs have a responsibility to use their radio facilities to assist those in their community, especially in times of emergency or distress.
  • We recognize the importance of good radio regulations in spectrum management as well as the active representation of the interests of Radio Amateurs in both domestic and international environments.
  • We believe Amateur Radio is enriched by the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives found in Radio Amateurs.
  • We are called upon to keep Radio Amateurs informed and up-to-date on Amateur Radio matters of interest to them by means of a magazine published regularly, regular information updates on the website and by special news bulletins distributed when required.
  • We believe Amateur Radio in Canada is enhanced and harmonized by a strong national association aided by local and provincial clubs and associations.