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The RAC Affiliated Club Program provides an opportunity for Canadian Amateur Radio Clubs to provide support to their national Amateur Radio association, Radio Amateurs of Canada. 
The program provides valuable services and benefits that enhance the Amateur Radio experience for the affiliated club’s members including the RAC Affiliated Club Insurance Program. There are great savings on club liability and equipment insurance.
A list of affiliated clubs can be found at: https://www.rac.ca/affiliated-club-listing/

Benefits of Affiliation

There are a number of important services and benefits which RAC makes available to affiliated Amateur Radio clubs:

RAC Affiliated Club Insurance Program:

It provides comprehensive liability coverage to protect against liability claims arising from accidents or damage incurred during normal club activities. For more information please visit the RAC Affiliated Club Insurance Program.

Use of the RAC National QSL Bureau:

Only RAC-Affiliated Club stations can make use of the RAC National Incoming and Outgoing QSL card service for Club station activity.

The Canadian Amateur magazine: 

Affiliated clubs can sponsor a subscription for a printed copy of Canada’s national Amateur Radio publication, The Canadian Amateur magazine, which is the RAC membership journal. This sponsored subscription can be targeted to local schools, libraries, or other similar organizations.

Availability of the VE~RAC call sign: 

To the club for participation in RAC events and contests.

Access to the RAC Youth Education Program: 

The RAC Youth Education Program offers funding and joint RAC/club participation as mentors/assistants for school teachers wishing to participate.

Tower and Antenna Restrictions:

Support for clubs facing access and covenant problems such as tower access, neighbour/landlord problems, etc.

Recognition of the Club’s Affiliate status:

Recognition of the Club’s Affiliate status on the RAC website.

Access to the RAC website: 

For free Club website link where club information can be obtained, i.e., meeting times, events, contact name(s), repeaters, etc.

Access to the RAC Section and National Bulletins:

To publicize Club events, ARES, NTS, Official Observer and Official Bulletin Station programs – for the benefit of clubs and their members.

ACS, NTS, Official Observer and Official Bulletin Station programs: 

For the benefit of clubs and their members.

Categories of Affiliation

There are four categories of RAC Affiliated Clubs:

  1. local Amateur Radio clubs
  2. regional Amateur Radio clubs or societies
  3. school or youth Amateur Radio clubs (where only the Adviser need be a member)
  4. club councils (clubs of RAC Affiliated Clubs)

Club Requirements for RAC Affiliation

The requirements for Club Affiliation to the RAC are:

a) the club be incorporated or at least have a constitution. Please note that to be eligible for insurance a club must be incorporated, or registered Society.

b) the club policies not conflict in any way with those of RAC

c) 51% of members are licensed (except for Category 3 and 4 clubs)

d) payment of the annual renewal fee of $27.95 (plus GST/HST)

To Apply for Affiliation

To apply to become an RAC affiliated club, please complete the RAC Club Affiliation Application Renewal Form and submit it along with the required $27.95 (plus GST/HST) to the RAC Affiliated Club Program, 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217, Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5. Upon acceptance, you will receive an acknowledgement letter with an affiliation number for your club.

To Renew Affiliation

To maintain its affiliated status a Club must update its information in the RAC Club Affiliation Application Renewal Form and submit it along with an annual renewal fee of $27.95 (plus GST/HST applicable to your province/territory) to the RAC Affiliated Club Program, 720 Belfast Road, Suite 217, Ottawa, ON K1G 0Z5. If the renewal application is not received by December 31 the club will be reclassified to inactive status and benefits of affiliation will cease. The club can return to active status by submitting an application and the annual renewal fee.

Important Note: To maintain insurance coverage under the RAC Club Insurance Program, a Club must be incorporated and maintain active Affiliated status with the RAC. It is the responsibility of the club to ensure it maintains active status for liability insurance coverage per terms of the insurance carrier.