RAC Canada 2021 Conference slide

Canada 2021 Conference and AGM: Sunday, September 19

Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to welcome all Amateurs to the RAC Canada 2021 Conference which will be held on Sunday, September 19 before the RAC Annual General MeetingThere is no registration fee for this event.

The Conference will begin with the Keynote Presentation: “A Fireside Chat” featuring the leaders of the International Amateur Radio Union, the American Radio Relay League, the Radio Society of Great Britain and Radio Amateurs of Canada.

There well be a total of 12 presentations in three streams:

  • Amateur Radio Research and Development
  • Competitive Amateur Radio
  • Amateur Radio Outreach

The PDF document below includes complete information about all presentations.

The information below contains a list of the presentations and the schedule of events. Please stay tuned to this webpage for additional information as it becomes available.

Note: To register for the event please click on the following link: register now!

Presentations for RAC Canada Conference 2021

Download (PDF, 5.14MB)

IARU, ARRL, RSGB and RAC logos
“A Fireside Chat” with the Leaders of the IARU, ARRL, RSGB and RAC:
“Amateur Radio during the Global Pandemic and other topics”

An informal discussion featuring the following distinguished guests:

  • Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA: President, Radio Amateurs of Canada (Moderator)
  • Tim Ellam, VE6SH: President, International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)
  • Rick Roderick, K5UR: President, American Radio Relay League (ARRL)
  • Steve Thomas, M1ACB: General Manager, Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB)

In these unprecedented times, this is an excellent – and possibly historic opportunity – to engage in a discussion on the challenges we face today and the future of Amateur Radio.

Note: To register for the event please click on the following link: register now!

Amateur Radio Research and Development

  • Reception of Non-Amateur Satellites: Scott Tilley, VE7TIL
  • VLF Experiments on 8 kHz: Joe Craig, VO1NA
  • 5 MHz Propagation Research: Sean Smith, VE6SAR
  • 3D Printing for Amateur Radio: Don Murphy, VE3BSR
Complete details of all presentations are provided in the above PDF document.

Note: To register for the event please click on the following link: register now!

Competitive Amateur Radio

  • Leading Canadians at the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC 2023):
    Todd Bendtsen, VE5MX and Gilles Renucci, VA2EW
  • RAC Canadian Portable Operations Challenge: (“RAC Challenge”): Dave Goodwin, VE9CB
  • VHF+ Contest Roving and Microwave Hilltopping: Russell Beech, VE3OIL
  • LiFePO4 Batteries – Comparisons and Applications: Scott Williamson, VY1SW
Complete details of all presentations are provided in the above PDF document.

Note: To register for the event please click on the following link: register now!

Amateur Radio Outreach

  • RAC and our Regulator ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) –
    The Road to Protecting Canadian Amateur Radio Spectrum? Rich Ferch, VE3KI, Paul Coverdale, VE3ICV and Bryan Rawlings, VE3QN
  • Canadian Forces Affiliate Radio System (CFARS): Phil McBride, VA3QR
  • Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps and Amateur Radio: Matthew Batten, VE3ZQW
  • Canadian University Cubesats: VIOLET and ALEASAT – Alex Voisine, VE9REX, of VIOLET (UNB/UDM/NBCC); Julian Mentasti, VE7UDP, of ALEASAT (SFU/UBC)
Complete details of all presentations are provided in the above PDF document.

Note: To register for the event please click on the following link: register now!

RAC Annual General Meeting Agenda

Date: Sunday, September 19

Time: 4 pm (Eastern Standard Time)

Agenda items will include:

  • Report of the President
  • Review of the 2020 finances
  • Appointment of auditors for 2021

A Question and Answer period will follow the AGM proceedings. This is your opportunity to hear what your representatives have been doing over the past year, to raise questions, and to make suggestions about how RAC is managed and where it is going in the future.

If you wish to submit a question to the RAC President for the Q&A session please send it to before 6 pm ET on Friday, September 17.

The meeting will be attended by members of the RAC Board of Directors and Executive and is open to all RAC members. 

Note: To register for the event please click on the following link: register now!

Tips for Participants:

Our volunteers are now hard at work preparing for the Conference and AGM and have prepared some tips to help everyone enjoy the event.

Download (PDF, 984KB)


Please register now by clicking on the link provided below. You will then be taken to the registration webpage where you will be provided with additional instructions and a registration form. 

Once you have completed the form please click the “Register” button at the bottom of the page. You will then receive a confirmation message.

Note: You do not need to indicate which Presentations you want to attend as this will be handled by. our volunteers once you have registered.

Registration link: Canada 2021 Conference Registration webpage

Additional Information and Contacts:

If you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact:

Alan Griffin
RAC MarCom Director
TCA Editor