RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 Report: Updated February 25
RAC Contest Managers Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU and Sam Ferris, VE5SF
After the results were published in The Canadian Amateur magazine and on the RAC website, we were notified of some errors.
Due to a bug in our new Web Log submission system the 6-metre log for Pierre Jolin, VE2GT, was dropped and just the check log was entered. We have updated these results adding in Pierre’s log to the SOSB-6 metre results.
- The team at VA2RAC had made an entry that should have been mapped into the Multi-Operator Multi-Transmitter (MOMT) category versus the Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter Low Power (MOSTLP) category they were mapped into. This puts them in second place in the MOMT as well as bumping VE4RAC out of third place in the results for the MOMT category. This means they did not set a new record in the MOSTLP category as originally reported and we have restored the record box to the 2018 record set by VA3RAC (VE3ZF host).
- With that change the MOSTLP winner becomes Al Law, VE3FZ. Second and third place changes move to KA1SYG and N3RJ moving them both up in the placement of this category. Details are noted in the updated MOSTLP category and the MOMT category in the PDF article provided below.
- While typing in the category summary, we transposed the suffix of Brian Campbell, VE3MGY call sign. His call is VE3MGY and not VE3MYG as shown in the original article.
Our apologies to all those affected by these errors. Our thanks to all those who participated and we hope you all have been staying as safe as possible during this very trying time. With that bit of introduction, on with the detailed results!
As always, you can find all the contest rules and entry forms at:
– 73, Bart, VE5CPU and Sam, VE5SF