RAC Canada Day Contest Managers

RAC Canada Day Contest Rules: English and French

Changes to the RAC Contest Rules

New RAC bulletin logo November 2019

Sam Ferris, VE5SF and Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU
RAC Contest Managers

The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) Contests and Awards Committee is pleased to announce changes to the RAC sponsored contests. Please take a few moments to review the updated rules. We look forward to your participation in the RAC Canada Day and Canada Winter contests.

Download (PDF, 680KB)

Special thanks to our sponsors for their support of the RAC contests.

The global pandemic continues and we want to make sure that all participants in the RAC Canada Day Contest on Friday, July 1 help us to celebrate Canada’s birthday safely.  The RAC Contest Committee is therefore asking all participants in the Canada Day Contest 2022 to follow the guidelines provided by the government and health officials in your respective area for any of the multi-op categories enabled within the contest. If you do carry out an operation in any of the multi-op categories, please advise as part of your log submission that you have followed your locally applicable guidelines for group sizes and social (physical) distancing. 

We hope to hear you on the air for the July 1, 2022 Canada Day contest (00:00 UTC through 23:59:59 UTC). Don’t forget to share your stories with us at and to use #RACCD.

RAC Contest Sponsors July 2022

Changements apportés aux concours de la fête du Canada et de l’hiver du Canada

– Traduction par Jacques Roland, VA3DLZ. Merci Jacques!

Le Comité des concours et prix de Radio Amateurs du Canada (RAC) a le plaisir d’annoncer la mise en oeuvre de diverses modifications aux règles de participation aux concours organisés sous l’égide de RAC.

Veuillez prendre quelques instants pour vous familiariser avec la version actualisée des règles. Nous espérons que vous serez nombreux à participer au Concours de la Fête du Canada et au Concours d’hiver pancanadien organisés par RAC.

Download (PDF, 726KB)