Sean Smith, VE6SAR 5 MHz Propagation Research
Sean Smith, VE6SAR

5 MHz Propagation Research:

Sean Smith, VE6SAR

My first real exposure to Amateur Radio was at the North American Endurance Riding Championships that were held west of Calgary, Alberta in the summer of 1990.

I was fascinated with the coverage the operators supporting the event had with handheld radios and mobiles in the mountains. I was already an avid shortwave listener at the time.

That fall my Dad, Bert, VE6BHC and I enrolled in the Calgary Amateur Radio Association’s Basic course and passed our exams in late November 1990.

After college I moved to Fort McMurray where I joined the Tarsands Amateur Radio Club. While there I set up the eighth ever IRLP node, formerly Node #130. I also helped build the repeater linking system that linked Fort McMurray to the Southern Alberta Repeater Association (SARA) system and learned lots from the awesome Elmers that were active in Fort McMurray at the time. I was a member of the local ARES group and involved in the Y2K preparations.

When work took me to Peace River, Alberta I joined the Mackenzie Regional Radio Club. I became very active in the construction of the Mackenzie Highway Repeater Network and the associated APRS network. After a few years I assumed the role as Emergency Coordinator for the North Peace and I continue to hold that position.

In 2015 I finally got on HF thanks to some not so gentle encouragement from a few of the local Amateurs who showed up at my house with a radio from a Silent Key and helped me get on the air.

My main interest currently is digital modes, mostly on HF although I still help maintain the local repeaters.

Presentation: 60 metre Propagation in the Canadian Auroral Zone

In this presentation we will be delivering the initial results of a four-year study of 60 metre propagation, carried out by a number of Amateur Radio operators in western Canada, with the focus on communications from isolated northern communities during emergencies.

Don Murphy, VE3BSR
Don Murphy, VE3BSR

3D Printing for Amateur Radio:

Don Murphy, VE3BSR

Don Murphy, VE3BSR, is a retired school board Support Technician.

He has always had an interest in making things even as a young child and 3D printing was a natural progression.

He has had a printer for three years and enjoys designing and printing various items. 

Along with 3D printing and Amateur Radio, Don enjoys geocaching woodworking, art, stained glass, photography and is an avid traveller.

Don lives in Peterborough and became a new Amateur in 2020. His article “3D Printing for the Amateur Radio Enthusiast” was featured in the July-August 2021 issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine.



The presentation will explain the basics of 3D printing and show you a 3D printer in action. 

I will be showing you dozens of things that you can print for yourself. These include an actual radio, antenna parts and even QSL cards. 

This introduction will cover the basics so you can see if a 3D printer is right for you.