Registration is going very well for the RAC Conference and AGM. If you haven’t registered yet please do so now.
Go to:
We have prepared some important tips on how to register for and participate in the RAC Canada Conference and Annual General Meeting. It includes information on how to update your Zoom software, switch from one presentation to another and how to raise your hand during a meeting. Just click here or on the above blue button. We look forward to seeing you online at the RAC Conference 2022 and Annual General Meeting this Sunday, September 18.

RAC Canada Conference 2022 and Annual General Meeting

Participant Instructions and Tips

RAC Canada Conference 2022 logo

The RAC Canada Conference 2022 and Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 18 and is open to all Amateurs and those who are interested in Amateur Radio. The event will begin at 11:30 am with an informal “Meet & Greet” which provides an opportunity to chat with Amateurs from around the world and to reconnect and share experiences.

The Conference officially begins at 12 noon with the Keynote Presentation: “A Fireside Chat with the Leaders of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) and Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC)” who will discuss the state of Amateur Radio during the global pandemic and other topics.

The interactive Conference will feature interesting presentations on a wide range of topics and will include parallel sessions so that participants can choose those presentations that are of most interest to them. The presentations will be recorded and available on RAC’s YouTube Channel for viewing after the event.

Plenary and Tracks (Presentation Rooms)

We are using Zoom again this year for our conference. However, the set up is a little different than last year – more like in 2020.

1) Registration: You first need to register for the RAC Conference and AGM by clicking on the link  provided below:

Once you register, you will receive an email from Zoom with your personalized link to the main conference meeting room. Please be sure to check your Spam folder as the message could very likely be there.

Track 1Track 2Track 3
1 pm –
Regulatory Accomplishments and Initiatives

1 pm –

Vince d’Eon, VE6LK/AI7LK –
Public Service Events and Leadership Imperatives

High River Alberta Floods

1 pm –
John Langille, VE1CWJ:
“Amateur Satellites and My Amateur Radio Journey”

2 pm –
Countdown to World Radio Conferences 
WRC-19 | WRC-23

2 pm –
Jason Tremblay, VE3IXT
Emergency / Disaster / Community Services

2 pm –
Paul Mower, VA6MPM:
“Summits On The Air (SOTA)
in the Canadian Rockies”

3 pm –
Changes to the RAC Contest Structure

3 pm –
Attracting and Retaining New Amateurs

Note: this is very much a work in progress and features contributions and presentation from several Amateurs including those below..

3 pm –
Dana Shtun, VE3DS:
 “50  Years of Amateur Radio and Onwards…”

Attracting and Retaining New Amateurs: RAC Youth Program Coordinator Brian Jackson, VE6JBJ; President Phil McBride, VA3QR; Vice-President Allan Boyd, VE3AJB; Community Services Officer Jason Tremblay, VE3IXT; RAC Atlantic Director Al Penney, VO1NO (Amateur of the Year 2020); Hiroshi Takahashi, VA7LET (Amateur of the Year 2021); Youth Leaders Rob Noakes, VE3PCP, Roger Egan, VA3EGY, Harrie Jones, VE3HYS and Adrian Stimpson, VE7NZ; and online participants everywhere.

2) Zoom Meeting Rooms: For the RAC Conference, four (4) different Zoom meetings are being used: one for the main Plenary Session and the Annual General Meeting, and three other Meeting Rooms for the presentations which are set up in three Tracks: Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3

Each Meeting Room has its own link. You will receive the links once you are registered for the conference.

Everyone will start in the Main Plenary Room. Just click on the link to enter.

At the end of the Fireside Chat, you will need to choose which presentation you want to start with.

The complete program can be found  is below.

To get to a Track:
  1. Leave the Plenary Room zoom meeting by clicking the red leave button in the lower right-hand corner.
  2. Click on the link to enter the Track you wish to attend. You will be asked to enter your name and email but do not need to pre-register for the Presentations.
  3. At the end of the presentation, you will need to make a choice:
  • Stay in the same Track room and simply wait for the next presentation to start; or
  • Leave the Track you are in and go to another Track by clicking in the link to that room.

Important note: You will need to leave one Zoom meeting in order to join another.

After the last presentation, please leave the Track room and log back into the Main Plenary room for the Annual General Meeting.

If you need assistance to get to a Presentation Room, please stay in the Plenary room and “raise your hand” (see the instructions in the PDF document provided below). One of our volunteers will be along shortly to help you.

Additional Information:

If you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact:

Alan Griffin
RAC MarCom Director
TCA Editor