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The RAC Foundation Program was established by Radio Amateurs of Canada to enable us to provide more services at the local and regional levels in order to connect with Amateurs in these areas and especially with youth.  

RAC operates the RAC Foundation in cooperation with the Ottawa Community Foundation, which administers and invests the donated funds and disburses the earnings from those invested funds to grant applicants, based upon the advice of the RAC Board.

All grant applications should be submitted to the RAC Foundation for processing and recommendation.

Donors may designate their donation to one or more of four grant categories associated with Amateur Radio:

  • Scholastic: for deserving young Radio Amateur students
  • Research: for Amateur Radio-related research
  • Community: for equipment or courses for charitable institutions such as hospitals, seniors’ homes or youth centres

Contributions may be made:

  1. By direct personal donation
  2. In memory (of a deceased friend or family member)
  3. In honour (of a living person)
  4. By bequest (in a will)
  5. By life insurance beneficiary designation

As only the earnings on invested donations may be disbursed, the funds must be allowed to grow until the invested earnings are sufficient before applications for grants may be considered.

RAC has agreed to receive donations by cheque, money order or credit card, and to forward them to the Ottawa Community Foundation who will then issue a receipt to the donor of more than $20 for use in claiming income tax exemption on the donation.

Donations to the RAC Foundation benefit both Amateur Radio (through the grant applicants) and the donor (through a tax exemption), unlike donations to the Defence of Amateur Radio Fund (DARF) which indirectly benefit RAC, or donations directly to RAC which directly benefit Radio Amateurs of Canada.

By donating its administrative services for the RAC Foundation, RAC is effectively a co-donor, though it gains no tax advantage, since RAC is already a not-for-profit corporation.

Additional information about the RAC Foundation is found on our RAC Foundation – FAQ webpage and at the following address: