The Head Table at the XX General Assembly of IARU R2 in Lima, Peru

Logo for Lima 2019 meeting of the XX General Assembly of IARU Region 2Lima 2019 – The XX General Assembly of the International Amateur Radio Union’s Region 2 is now underway in Lima, Peru and is being held from September 30 to October 2, 2019. Radio Club Peruano (RCP) is the host Member Society.

The above photo shows the Head Table at the event.

All IARU Member societies have a responsibility to attend this Regional Conference and Radio Amateurs of Canada is well represented by President Glenn MacDonell, VE3XRA and International Affairs Officer Serge Bertuzzo, VA3SB.

The delegates will actively participate in meetings and in various Working Committees at the Conference including the Emergency Communications Workshop described below.

Lima 2019 will address many important aspects of the promotion and defence of the Amateur Radio band plans for HF, VHF and higher bands and other issues of importance to Member Societies in Region 2.

Emergency Communications Workshop

At the end of the IARU R2 General Assembly an Emergency Communications Workshop (ECW) will take place on Thursday, October 3.

The Workshop is intended to be a gathering of IARU Region 2 Emergency Coordinators and other national level Amateur Radio emergency communications experts to:

  • Share information on Amateur Radio response to emergencies and disasters in IARU Region 2
  • Increase the capacity for Amateurs in IARU Region 2 to respond to large-scale, multinational communication emergencies and disasters
  • Provide an opportunity for national level Amateur Radio emergency communications leaders to network and increase the level of cooperation and collaboration within IARU Region 2

Stay tuned for more information on the RAC website and via our Twitter  and Facebook accounts.

Background information about the IARU

The IARU was founded in a meeting in Paris in 1925 as the international representative of Radio Amateurs. In those times, “short waves” were barely understood and their commercial use was starting; this threatened the activities that Radio Amateurs had been carrying out for many years. Radio Amateurs needed an organization to coordinate their activities and to have a voice at international conferences.

The IARU is recognized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as the representative of the interests of member societies and of Radio Amateurs throughout the world. The IARU is a Member of the Radiocommunications (ITU-R) and Development (ITU-D) Sectors of ITU and participates in the Study Commissions of both sectors.

The IARU Constitution has been reviewed many times. The present Constitution was approved in 1984 and was modified slightly in 1989. It recognizes three regional organizations that represent the three radio regions defined by ITU for frequency allocation purposes. Each regional organization is autonomous and operates according to its own Constitution.

For more information about the IARU please visit: