Polish Amateur Radio Union 90th Anniversary Special Event

For immediate release:

On February 22-24, 1930, the Polish Amateur Radio Union – Polski Zwiazek Krótkofalowców (PZK) – was founded by professor Janusz Groszkowski from the Warsaw University of Technology. He also was elected its first President.

World War II broke out in 1939 and Amateur Radio activities went out of existence in Poland. It took years for the PZK to be founded again on January 11, 1957 and to have Amateur Radio licences being issued.

For some time the PZK activities were financed by the Polish government and membership in the PZK was obligatory for those who wanted to enjoy the Amateur Radio privileges.

Anatol Jeglinski, SP5CM, was then elected the new PZK President. Since 1990, the PZK has been financed by their members and donors and its membership is no longer a requirement for Amateur Radio licensing in Poland.

Their Wikipedia page states:

“The Polski Związek Krótkofalowców (PZK) (in English, Polish Amateur Radio Union) is a national non-profit organization for Amateur Radio enthusiasts in Poland. Key membership benefits of the PZK include the sponsorship of Amateur Radio operating awards, radio contests, and a QSL bureau for members who regularly communicate with Amateur Radio operators in other countries.”

PZK QSL cards 90th Anniversary

The PZK is the national member society representing Poland in the International Amateur Radio Union. In celebration of the PZK’s 90th Anniversary and the IARU’s 95th Anniversary, the following special event stations are active during the month of February:

  • 3Z90PZK,
  • 3Z95IARU
  • HF2020PZK
  • HF90PZK,
  • HF95IARU,
  • SN2020PZK
  • SN90PZK,
  • SN95IARU
  • SO90PZK
  • SO95IARU
  • SP90PZK
  • SP95IARU
  • SQ90PZK
  • SQ95IARU

The QSL cards for the special event stations are pictured above and below.

“In the name of the Headquarters of the Polish Amateur Radio Union, I would like to invite you to contact the above special event stations and to apply for the Jubilee Award.”

Piotr Skrzypczak, SP2JMR
Secretary of the PZK

PZK QSL cards 90th Anniversary