Amateur Radio has a lot to offer an operator who picks up the microphone. It has a variety of purposes to meet every communication need. Many Amateurs start with radio as a hobby that can last a lifetime. Enthusiasts can spend many years building their radio collection and experimenting with various bands and modes of communication. Often times, operators make other connections through the hobby.

Emergency Services and Public Service Communication

Amateur Radio can be used in both emergency and public service communication. In case of an emergency, Amateur Radio operators can jump into action, becoming completely mobile and portable. Amateur Radio operators can become the backbone to communication in local, national and international emergencies. You will often see local Amateur Radio operators assisting community groups with radio communication. Events such as car rallies, bike races and even local parades are assisted by Amateur Radio operators.

Every year, on the fourth weekend of June, more than 35,000 Amateur Radio operators from Canada and the United States set up their radio equipment in remote locations and participate in the RAC/ARRL Field Day.

This is a chance to try their hand at communicating through a variety of modes and make as many contacts as possible throughout the weekend. The current global pandemic is requiring Amateurs worldwide to adapt but that is what Amateurs do best. For more information please visit:

JOTA – Jamboree On The Air / GOTA – Guides On The Air

During the third weekend of October every year, Scouting groups around the world connect using Amateur Radio. During the third weekend of February each year, Guides around the world also do the same.

Connections are made with other groups in their city, their country and other countries with the assistance of local Amateur Radio operators. Started in 1957, each year radio operators work together with more than 50,000 Scouts and Guides to connect them with other groups around the globe.

YOTA – Youth/Youngsters on the Air

Every December, Amateur Radio organizations around the world focus on activities designed to encourage more youth. Special event stations are set up on various bands and modes to allow youth under 25 more chances to develop their radio skills. YOTA participants can receive certificates for their participation in as many YOTA activities as they can.

For more information about Amateur Radio please visit the Radio Amateurs of Canada website.