RAC continues to provide many programs and services to its members and strives to adapt to meet today’s requirements, but we need your help to do so. Please take a look at the following opportunities and consider joining the RAC Volunteer Team. Contact information for each volunteer position is provided below but please contact Alan Griffin at if you need assistance.

Information Technology (IT) and Website Management

We are always looking for volunteers to help with the RAC website and with the Membership System.

Please contact RAC’s Chief Information Technology Officer Jeff Dale, VA3ISP at for more information.

RAC Field Organization

National Advisory Committee and Sectional Council Positions

The following positions are full-time volunteer positions. Applicants must be members of Radio Amateurs of Canada.

Please provide a cover letter and resume to Jason Tremblay, VE3JXT, Community Services Officer at

  • National Advisory Committee
  • Deputy Community Services Officer
  • National AuxComm Coordinator
  • National Community and Youth Coordinator
  • National Radio Traffic and Bulletin Coordinator
  • National Training Coordinator
  • National CanWarn Coordinator
  • Section Manager for the Territories

Sectional Council 

The following positions are effective February 1. For information on any of these positions or the application process, please email .

  • Deputy Section Manager
  • Sectional ACS Coordinator
  • Sectional Community and Youth Coordinator
  • Sectional Radio and Traffic Coordinator
  • Sectional Training Officer
  • Sectional CanWarn Coordinator
  • ACS Group Coordinator
  • ACS Rapid Response Team Leader
  • ACS Provincial Response Team Coordinator

Radio Amateurs of Canada is Canada’s national Amateur Radio organization, representing the interests of Amateur Radio all across Canada and volunteers are our lifeblood.

In addition to its vital role in protecting our spectrum, RAC also offers many programs and services to its members to enhance their enjoyment of Amateur Radio and as you can see from the pages of RAC’s membership journal, The Canadian Amateur magazine, the number of

programs and services have been steadily increasing since the start of the pandemic.

These include providing Amateur Radio courses (both Basic and Advanced), updating the RAC Contest System and Operating Awards to take advantage of new technology, and revamping and expanding the RAC Field Organization to keep pace with an everchanging and increasingly challenging global environment.

The list is extensive and it may surprise you to know that the vast majority of these programs and services are provided exclusively by volunteers! Yes, I said volunteers.

RAC only has two paid staff: a RAC Office Manager and MarComDirector/TCA Editor.

Its Board of Directors, Executive, Committee Member, QSL Bureaus, Youth Program Coordinators, ARISS Teams, Section Managers and Field Organization representatives and almost everyone else are all volunteers.