Note: The following article is an extract from the RAC Winter Contest 2016 Results published on page 38 of the July-August 2017 issue of The Canadian Amateur magazine. The complete PDF version is provided below with the addition of the Contest Soapbox.

Participation in the 2016 running of the RAC Canada Winter Contest was down slightly from last year with a total of 529 entries received. Conditions were poor for the first evening of the contest with some operators reporting few to no phone contacts during the evening hours of the contest. This year there were no new records established given the general poor conditions.

Note: For the Canada Winter Contest Records please see the following PDF version.

Download (PDF, 566KB)


Single Operator All Bands Low Power
Sponsored by Contest Club Ontario
Sam Ferris, VE5SF
890 QSOs, 72 Multipliers
338,256 Points

Single Operator All Bands High Power
Sponsored by Radioworld
Victor Petcherkin, N8OO
1,368 QSOs, 75 Multipliers
525,300 Points

Single Operator All Bands – QRP
Sponsored by QRP Canada
Thomas J Warren, K3TW
152 QSOs, 37 Multipliers
49,502 Points

Single Operator Single Band Any Authorized Power
Sponsored by Radio Amateurs of Canada
Gabor Horvath, VE7JH
679 QSOs, 21 Multipliers, 20 Metre Band
58,464 Points

Single Operator All Bands CW
Sponsored by the Maritime Contest Club
Robert Nash, VE3KZ
917 QSOs, 43 Multipliers
178,966 Points

Single Operator All Bands Phone
Sponsored by the Saskatchewan Contest Club
Victor Paul, WB0TEV
754 QSOs, 38 Multipliers
270,864 Points

Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter High Power
Sponsored by Alfa Radio
Tony Osman, VE3RZ
1,065 QSOs, 82 Multipliers
449,688 Points

Multi-Operator Single-Transmitter Low Power
Tony Allsop VE3FTA Memorial Sponsored
by the Mississauga ARC
Marcel LeBlanc, VE9ML and Jean-Paul LeBlanc, VE9BK at VE9ML
906 QSOs, 62 Multipliers
278,256 Points

Multi-Operator Multi-Transmitter Any Authorized Power
Sponsored by Radioworld
Mississauga Radio Club as VA3RAC
(Operators: VE3VE, VE3CWU, VE3TWG,
1,319 QSOs, 72 Multipliers
422,352 Points

Single Operator Foreign Entrant
Russ Coleston, VK4XA Memorial Sponsored by Alan Goodacre, VE3HX
Victor Petcherkin, N8OO
1,368 QSOs, 75 Multipliers
525,300 Points


Sam Ferris, VE5SF, achieved first place this year with a score of 338,256. Summer Hartzfeld, VE5SDH, using the VE5RAC call sign, captured second place again this year by scoring 159,940. Pierre Loranger, VE2CZ, captured third place in the winter contest with a score of 81,144. Michael Lawrence, N9UA, took fourth place this year scoring 76,944, while Bon Rennard, N7WY, took fifth place with a score of 67,500.


Victor Petcherkin, N8OO, captured the first place SOABHP with a score of 525,300. Second place went to Gilles Renucci, VA2EW, using the VA2RAC call sign, with a score of 483,480. Rob Kaufmann, VE4GV placed third with a score of 211,800, moving up from fourth place last year.

Guy Lemieux, VE2BML, joined the top scorers in fourth place scoring 191,200. Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU, captured fifth place in the category with a score of 160,126. Within the SOABHP category Victor Petcherkin, N8OO, captured the Russ Coleston, VK4XA Memorial for the highest scoring Single Op Foreign Entrant with a score of 525,300.


This year Thomas J. Warren, K3TW, achieved first place in the SOABQRP category with a score of 49,502, up from second place last year. Bill Unger, VE3XT, took second place in the 2016 contest with a score of 20,216. Dan Alwin, KE0TT, took third place with a score of 14,858. Dave Stephenson, VE3PYG, won fourth place this year with a QRP score of 12,800 ahead of Dan Lazar, VE6EX in fifth scoring 12,768.


With a score of 58,464, Gabor Horvath, VE3JH, won the overall SOSB crown this year using the 20 metre band. Adrian Stimpson, VE7NZ, once again took second overall SOSB place with a score of 34,714 with his 20 metre band entry. Third place in the overall SOSB was taken by Anthony Ratajczak, VE1ZA, with 29,448 points on the 80 metre band. On a band-by-band breakdown, Ken Keeler, N6RO, once again took top band honours on 160 metres with a single band high power score of 7,202. Anthony Ratajczak, VE1ZA, won first place in 80 metres with a high power score of 29,448. Noel Poulin, VE2FWW, took the 40 metre band honours using low power with a score of 13,300. As noted above, Gabor Horvath, VE7JH, took first place on 20 metres with a high power entry scoring 58,464. Doug Pichette, VA7DP, took the honours for the 15 metre band with a low power score of 5,036. The winner of the 10 metre SOSB category was Andre Haan, PD3OES, with a low power score of just 6 points. Pierre Jolin, VE2GT, won the 2 metre band with a low power score of 30 points. There were no entrants this year in the 6 metre Single Op, Single Band sub category.


Top honours for the CW only category go to Robert Nash, VE3KZ, with a score of 178,966. Second place is awarded to Tom Haavisto, VE3CX, with a score of 172,068. Third place was taken by Mark Wilson, K1RO, with a score of 151,126, up one place from last year. This year fourth place goes to Doug Freestone, VE5UF, with a score of 135,052. Fifth place goes to Sylvan Katz, VE5ZX, with a score of 108,498.


This year top honours in the Single Op All Band Phone only category goes to Victor Paul, WB0TEV, with a score of 174,724. Rene Raimbault, VE4TV, took second place with a score of 44,950, up from third place last year. Rick Baron, VE3WU, took third place with a score of 28,400. Brian McArthur, VA3QWW, took fourth place with a score of 27,400. Fifth place goes to Eric Wouters, VA2MO with a score of 21,024.


Tony Osman, VE3RZ, won the multi-single high power category with a score of 449,688. Again this year Dave Tucker, KA6BIM, took second place with a score of 327,600. Third place was taken by Bob Schofield, VE1RSM, using the VE1RAC call sign with a score of (operators VE1FA, VA1YL, VE1BAB, VA1AVR, VE1LD and VE1RSM) with a score of 192,576.


This year Marcel LeBlanc, VE9ML and Jean-Paul LeBlanc, VE9BK, at VE9MLF took top honours and the Tony Allsop, VE3FTA Memorial in the Multi-Single Low Power category with a score of 278,256 – congratulation to Marcel and Jean Paul. Al Niittymaa, VA3KAI, took second place with a score of 117,810. Third place goes to David Pritchard, VE9OA, with a score
of 108,376.


Again this year, operators of the Mississauga Radio Club, as VA3RAC (VE3VE, VE3CWU, VE3TWG, VA3JK, VE3AXC, VE3TKI and VE3NI), took top honours in the Multi-Multi category with a score of 422,352. Second place was once again captured by the operators the Calgary Amateur Radio association using the VE6RAC call sign (VA6CQB, VA6DJH VA6STN, VE3RTL, VE6BIR, VE6CCL, VE6CCM, VE6KC, VE6TC, VE6TWP and VE6IKR), with a score of 343,808. VE7RAC and operators VE7IO, VA7NF, VA7NLF, VA7QD and VE7BC of the Orca DX and Contest Club captured third place in the category with a score of 227,600.


Your contest managers sincerely appreciate the increased use of Cabrillo based log entries. Cabrillo files significantly reduce the workload associated with producing the contest results. Current versions of popular contest programs such as CT, NA, Super Duper and TR produce Cabrillo files that can be readily handled by new scoring software developed by VE5CPU.

As in the past we will continue to accept paper logs and other electronic logging formats so it is easy for everyone to send in an entry. If you are submitting a paper log, we would appreciate, if possible, receiving summary sheets prepared in accordance with the format set out in the official rules and which provide a breakdown of VE, RAC, DX contact and a multiplier total. This will make compiling and checking of logs an easier and quicker process. For more information visit:

Thanks and congratulations to all for participating in the 2016 Canada Winter Contest and good luck in 2017. A special thanks goes out to the operators of the RAC call signs. Hopefully, we will have some better propagation for the 2017 Canada Winter Contest this December. Operator comments are available on the RAC website at

– 73, Sam, VE5SF and Bart, VE5CPU